Why Are There BMI Surrogacy Requirements?

The BMI surrogacy requirement can be a factor in your eligibility to become a surrogate. Discover what this means for you surrogacy journey, and why BMI requirements for surrogacy exist.

There are a lot of physical requirements to even begin applying to become a surrogate. Many times when you’re given a list of requirements you may wonder how serious or lenient different agencies may be on different standards. One that comes up often is the BMI requirements for surrogacy.

To get more information about BMI surrogacy requirements with our agency, fill out our online form or call 1-800-875-BABY.

Why BMI is Important

While many people in the health industry have been discussing the relevance of BMI in other areas of the medical field, BMI is still important to surrogate eligibility. We want to make sure that intended parents and surrogates have the best chance possible to have a child. When intended parents are choosing to use their own eggs, we have little room for error to help them achieve their dreams. We have BMI surrogacy requirements due to the risks listed below.

  • Higher BMI has been associated with preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, pregnancy hypertension and other complications.
  • Complications with the baby after birth have been linked to birth mothers with a higher BMI.
  • Too high and too low BMI can make it more difficult to get pregnant.
  • Too high and too low BMI can increase the risk of pre-term delivery.

Required BMI Levels

We currently work with women whose have a BMI range of 19-32. This is based on the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s recommendations and what health professionals have determined is a healthy BMI range for adults. This range is set to exclude women who may be medically underweight or obese, which could cause dangerous situations when carrying a child.

Working with the BMI Requirement

If you are slightly over the required weight or BMI, you should speak with a surrogacy specialist. A reproductive endocrinologist can complete blood and urine test to determine whether you can successfully carry a child to term. If you want to become a surrogate, you can also work with your doctor or a registered dietician to help meet the surrogacy BMI requirements.

It’s important to keep in mind that our BMI requirement for surrogacy is just one of many. Our other surrogacy requirements include:

  • No smoking or illicit drug use
  • No tattoos or piercings in last six months
  • No major complications from previous pregnancies
  • At least six months since last vaginal or cesarean birth
  • And more.

When it comes to your health, the best thing you can do is to seek out health and nutrition advice from you physician. If you lay out your goals, including that you want to meet BMI surrogacy requirements, your doctor should be able to help you create a plan and recommend other health specialists who can assist you as well.

The best way to know if you are eligible to become a surrogate is by contacting a surrogacy specialist. If you have questions about the process, the BMI requirements, or anything else, contact us at 1-800-875-2229 (BABY).  And if you think you meet the requirements and want to proceed, contact us by filling out our quick prospective surrogate form.

7 Tips for a Healthy Surrogate Pregnancy

Maintaining a healthy surrogate pregnancy helps ensure the well-being of yourself and the precious life you carry. As a surrogate, the responsibility of nurturing a developing baby requires special attention to physical, emotional and lifestyle factors to promote a safe and thriving pregnancy.

As a surrogate, you’ve been given one of the most important tasks out there: to grow and protect another person’s unborn baby. By prioritizing a healthy and safe lifestyle, you’ll provide a nurturing environment for the unborn child and will offer hope for individuals or couples who are unable to conceive naturally.

Maintaining a healthy and safe lifestyle is crucial as it directly impacts the well-being of the developing child. A commitment to good physical and mental health, regular prenatal care and proper nutrition ensures the optimal growth and development of the baby.

If you have any questions about how to live a healthy lifestyle as a surrogate, then contact us online or call 1-800-875-2229 to connect with a specialist.

In the meantime, here are seven surrogate pregnancy tips to help you have a safe, healthy experience:

1. Attend All Your OBGYN Appointments

Once your pregnancy is confirmed, you’ll need to check in with your OBGYN more frequently than you would for a standard pregnancy. Although you may be tired of going to the doctor so many times, these frequent visits help ensure that there are no complications in your surrogate pregnancy journey. Each appointment tracks your health along with your baby’s health as well.

To help make these appointments more bearable, you can invite the intended parents. Even if they’re unavailable, sending them a quick update, photo or video chatting with them after each appointment can help you feel excited as you navigate your surrogate pregnancy.

2. Stay on Top of Eating Healthy Meals and Hydrating

If you live a busier life, it can be easy to resort to fast food to satisfy your cravings. But, you’ll want to make sure that you (and the baby) have plenty of protein, fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Your health and the baby’s health are of utmost importance, so make sure you’re thinking about ways to eat healthier.

Dehydration is one of the leading causes of premature labor and can cause harm to both you and your baby. Drinking enough water can also provide the essential vitamins and minerals the baby needs. It’s important for both you and the baby that you drink plenty of water to avoid any complications in your surrogate pregnancy.

You’ll also want sure you know what food and drinks to avoid when pregnant and check in with your doctor if you need any tips for eating healthier and staying hydrated.

3. Take your Vitamins

As a surrogate, one of the last things you want to do is add more medications to your routine. But prenatal vitamins are an integral part in your surrogate pregnancy that ensures you and the baby are both getting what you need. Even though vitamins can help contribute to a healthy surrogate pregnancy, you need to make sure to stay on top of your diet at the same time.

Setting a daily alarm to take your vitamins and any other OB-approved medication can be helpful in case you forget.

4. Get Plenty of Rest

Your body is working overtime right now, so it’s important to get at least eight hours of sleep at night and take naps when you can. After the first trimester, try to sleep on your side as sleeping on your back can limit blood supply to the baby and may leave you feeling lightheaded or dizzy.

If you have a hard time sleeping comfortably as your surrogate pregnancy progresses, you can always try a pregnancy pillow or prenatal massages (with your doctors approval) if you’re feeling sore.

5. Try Keeping Stress Levels Low

When you make the decision to pursue a surrogate pregnancy, the link between your cortisol levels and its effect on the baby is pretty strong. Your own physical health is tied to how you’re feeling emotionally, so you’ll want to focus on your emotional health to help keep you and the baby healthy.

Pregnancy often comes with many complex emotions and mood swings that are hard to control. With the added pressures of a surrogate pregnancy, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Make sure to talk with your specialist or another qualified counselor if you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Remember to take plenty of time to recharge, breathe and relax.

6. Journal or Scrapbook your Surrogate Pregnancy

Someday, this child may want to learn about the time you spent together and his or her parents won’t be able to tell that part of the story. It can be fun to write about your surrogate pregnancy experience in letters or a journal. If you want to get more creative, you can create a scrapbook with pictures throughout your pregnancy.

This can be a fun way to tell the child about your time together, your time with their parents and how excited you are to meet them and see them grow up with their family.

7. Involve the Intended Parents as Much as you Can

If you’re unsure when the intended parents should be involved, you can always talk with your surrogate specialist for advice. Generally, most intended parents are eager and excited to be included in your surrogate pregnancy experience to whatever extent you’re comfortable with. Many intended parents would love to see sonograms and pictures of your growing belly.

Most communication involves text messages about how you’re feeling and can include invitations to your doctor appointments. If you live nearby the intended parents, having them stop by for a quick visit can be a nice way for you to get to know each other and build a lasting relationship. Having a strong relationship with the intended parents can make the process a beautiful journey for all involved. For help navigating this, or any other aspect of your surrogacy, you can reach out to other experienced surrogates through our social media.

If you need any more advice on how to have a healthy surrogate pregnancy, don’t hesitate to reach out to your American Surrogacy specialist. You can always contact us online or call us at 1-800-875-2229 (BABY).

How to Apply to be a Surrogate in 5 Steps

Applying to become a surrogate is an exciting first step towards helping individuals or couples achieve their dreams of parenthood

When you make the decision to apply to be a surrogate, we strive to make the process as simple as possible. With over 40 years of experience building families, you’ll get the best experience throughout your surrogacy journey.

Becoming a surrogate is fulfilling and our specialists will be by your side as you apply to be a surrogate mother. If you want to learn more about the process of becoming a surrogate, then call us today at 1-800-875-2229 or fill out our online form to get more information.

How to Apply to be a Surrogate Mother [5 Steps]

We’re always here to help you as you begin your surrogate journey. Our specialists will work with you from start to finish, making sure you’re always supported. We’ll make sure you understand every step of the process to help you understand what it means to become a surrogate mother. If you want to apply for surrogacy, then here are five simple steps to take:

Step 1: Reach out to American Surrogacy

Our specialists are on standby ready to help you begin the process of filling out a surrogacy application. While other surrogacy agencies can be difficult to get ahold of, our team offers unwavering personal support and guidance to help you feel confident throughout the process. You can always call us at 1-800-875-2229 or reach out to us online to get connected with an experienced specialist.

Once we get connected, we’ll go over some basic questions that help us understand your situation. This helps us decide the best way to support you throughout your journey. Our experienced team will guide you as you apply to be a surrogate mother. We will always be there to answer any questions and provide the resources you need to have a successful surrogacy experience.

Step 2: Receive Comprehensive Support and Guidance

Creating a family can be challenging, but we have spent decades perfecting the process and know what it takes to successfully build families. With our expertise, you’ll be on the right track toward having the best possible experience with surrogacy. Our dedicated team of specialists will help with things like:

  • Receiving competitive surrogacy compensation
  • Understanding how to apply to be a surrogate
  • Creating a surrogate profile
  • Providing helpful information and guidance
  • And more

We believe you should feel confident and excited as you apply to be a surrogate mother. Our specialists are dedicated to helping you feel this way throughout your surrogate journey.

Step 3: Find the Right Surrogacy Match

Matching with the right intended parents is one of the most exciting steps as you apply to be a surrogate. We understand how important it is to develop a strong connection and shared values between surrogates and intended parents. When you begin the matching process, you’ll find comfort knowing that we take great care in helping you find the perfect intended parents.

We consider factors such as location, personal preferences and compatibility to ensure a high-quality match. By only accepting the best intended parents, we ensure that the surrogate-intended parent match is the beginning of a beautiful and positive arrangement.

While you wait for your perfect match, connect with our social media. We have a supportive, accepting community of surrogates and intended parents growing by the day.

Step 4: Draft a Legal Contract and Prepare for Embryo Transfer

When you apply to be a surrogate mother, a legal contract will be drafted to protect both you and the intended parents legally. You will each have an attorney who specializes in your state’s surrogacy laws. Even if you have a great relationship with the intended parents, a legal contract ensures that your interests and rights are protected throughout the process.

Once the legal contracts are signed and finalized, we will help you begin preparing for embryo transfer. This process involves closely working with a fertility clinic, including a medical screening and tracking of your fertility cycle. We’ve worked with many fertility clinics across the country and will help you determine the best one to use.

After a pregnancy test and heartbeat is confirmed, you will begin receiving monthly payments for your base compensation and monthly allowance.

Step 5: Give the Gift of Parenthood

In most surrogacies, the intended parents will join you at the hospital to share this life-changing event with you.

When you apply to be a surrogate, you’ll be able to decide whether you want the intended parents at the hospital with you. If you have any questions on what your hospital stay will look like, you can always speak to your surrogacy specialist who can help mediate any discussions with the intended parents, if needed.

Once the baby is born and you’re discharged from the hospital, you’ll return home knowing that you changed the life of a couple whose dream was to become parents. Whether you decided to continue a relationship with the intended parents, you will always be connected to them for the gift you gave to their family.

When you apply to become a surrogate mother, there’s a lot involved in the process. But with our help, you’ll be able to move through the process with complete confidence. To learn more about how to apply to be a surrogate, call us at 1-800-875-2229 or contact us online to connect with a surrogacy specialist.

Can a Surrogate Keep the Baby?

The amazing surrogates who commit to carrying a child for someone else want nothing more than to help you start or grow your family.

Surrogacy can help you fulfill your dream of becoming a parent and working with American Surrogacy means that you will have all of your questions answered.

 If you’re wondering “Can a surrogate keep the baby?” you can rest easy knowing the answer is a hard no.

In this article, we will answer this and some of the other common questions about surrogate relationships and what it is like to grow your family with American Surrogacy. You can also get help now from a surrogacy professional, and stay up to date with the world of surrogacy by following us.

Can Surrogates Keep the Baby?

No. Surrogates cannot keep the baby that they carry for another family. What is more important though, is that they don’t want to. When you work with American Surrogacy, you can rest assured that each and every gestational surrogate has been screened thoroughly and wants to be a surrogate for the right family.

As a part of our screening, we ensure that surrogates have been through pregnancy before and have their own children at home. This means they have children of their own and if they wanted to have another child of their own, they could. But the truth is that women who choose to be surrogates often feel called or passionate about helping another family have a family of their own. In other words, they want to help you and they don’t want another child of their own.

Do Surrogate Mothers Get Attached to the Child in the Womb?

Gestational surrogates certainly have a unique bond with the children they carry as well as the child’s biological parents, but surrogates know from the beginning that the child they are carrying is not theirs. So while surrogates certainly may feel protective, care for the child they carry, and want to see the child have a happy life, they do not have the same bond as they do with their own children.

Do Surrogates Get Attached to the Baby After Birth?

Gestational surrogates are called “gestational” because they are surrogates only during pregnancy and birth. Once the child is born, as a biological parent, you will be the parent, not the surrogate.

When you find a surrogate, your surrogacy professional will help you and your surrogate make agreements about communication expectations after birth. Some families and surrogates are interested in staying in contact and giving each other updates. However, in other cases, you and your surrogate may agree that you will live separate lives.

Surrogates generally do not have a significant amount of contact with the children they carry after birth as they have their own children and their own lives.

What Happens if a Surrogate Wants to Keep the Baby While Pregnant?

It is worth noting again that surrogates voluntarily choose to be surrogates and usually a big reason for choosing surrogacy is because they want to help a family like yours. Surrogates do not want to keep your baby because they have their own family and they want to help you.

In many cases, getting to know your surrogate ahead of your surrogacy agreement and building a healthy relationship may help ease your mind.

That being said, if you choose surrogacy with American Surrogacy, you will already have an agreement with your surrogate about what will happen, and even if the surrogate has strong feelings towards the baby she carried, that doesn’t change the agreement with you that the baby will be yours at birth.

What if a Surrogate Decides to Keep the Baby at Birth?

If a surrogate gives birth to a child with an established surrogacy agreement, she cannot simply “decide to keep the baby.” When the baby is born, the surrogacy agreement will still be in effect.

When Can a Surrogate Change Their Mind?

Since the surrogate is choosing to be a surrogate voluntarily, she also has opportunities to change her mind about becoming a surrogate. However, that doesn’t mean that you should be worried your surrogate will back out at the last minute. 

With American Surrogacy, your surrogate is screened thoroughly and interviewed, and has several steps to back out of the decision before she makes an agreement to be your surrogate:

  • First, in the informational stage, she can back out at any time and choose not to seek out additional information.
  • If she continues seeking information and begins screening, she can back out of the screening at any time and choose not to become a surrogate. 
  • If she completes screening and is approved to be a surrogate, she has the ability to say no to any family profile she doesn’t want to be a surrogate for.
  • If she chooses to get to know a family, she can still choose not to move forward with the family if she has any hesitations. 

Once you and your surrogate have come to an agreement and created a surrogacy contract, she is obligated to continue with surrogacy. And at this point, she has likely given much thought to the process and is fully prepared to complete the process.

With American Surrogacy, you can get added peace of mind knowing that we offer unlimited matching if you meet a surrogate match that doesn’t work out.

Get Help Now

Surrogacy can be a beautiful journey, and it is normal to have questions about the process. If you have questions like “Can surrogate mothers keep the baby?” or “Can a surrogate change her mind?” our surrogacy professionals can help you understand how we protect you and help you find a great surrogate. Click here to get help now.

How to Become a Surrogate Mother in 2023

Becoming a surrogate is an experience filled with joy, as you have the incredible opportunity to help someone else fulfill their dream of having a child.

Helping a family with one of life’s most precious journeys as a surrogate can be a beautiful experience. You can transform a family’s life and the benefits of surrogacy can help you reach your goals.

Read on to learn how to become a surrogate and what to expect along the journey. You can also get help from a surrogacy professional now.

How to Become a Surrogate Mother

Becoming a surrogate in 2023 typically involves several steps and a thorough screening process to ensure the health and readiness of the surrogate. At American Surrogacy, here are some of the steps you can expect:

Step 1. Research and Learning 

The first step is to understand the legal and medical aspects of surrogacy to make an informed decision. It may help to read first-hand accounts from other surrogates. While you can read about the process, our surrogacy specialists are also happy to talk you through each step and help you get started. Click here to get help now.

Step 2. Meet Eligibility Standards

Most agencies have specific eligibility criteria that potential surrogates must meet. These criteria commonly include: 

  • Being between the ages of 21 and 40
  •  Having a healthy BMI
  •  Raising at least one child
  • Having no complications in previous pregnancies

American Surrogacy screens for the basic eligibility requirements to become a surrogate and has some additional requirements. You will complete paperwork that details information about your personal, medical and reproductive history. These can help determine whether surrogacy will be a safe option for you.

Step 3. Medical and Psychological Screening 

If basic screenings go well, the next step in how to become a surrogate mother is to complete a series of medical and psychological evaluations to assess your physical and mental health. This typically involves comprehensive medical exams, blood tests and screening for infectious diseases. You may also be required to undergo a psychological evaluation to ensure you are mentally prepared for the emotional aspects of surrogacy.

Step 4. Matching Process

Once you have successfully completed the screening and legal steps, we will match you with intended parents whose preferences align with yours. The matching process may involve reviewing profiles and having initial meetings or interviews. We use a mutual matching system so that you can choose a family that fits your preferences.

Step 5. Embryo Transfer and Pregnancy 

Once you’ve matched with the intended parents, we will work closely with a fertility clinic and the intended parents’ reproductive specialist to schedule fertility treatments and a pregnancy attempt. You will undergo fertility treatments, which may involve hormone injections and medical procedures, to prepare your body for embryo transfer. After a successful transfer, you will continue with regular prenatal care throughout the pregnancy.

Step 6. Making Dreams Come True 

After the baby is born, it will be handed over to the intended parents, and you may have the opportunity to have a relationship with them if desired. Legal arrangements will ensure that the intended parents become the legal parents of the child.

It is essential to note that surrogacy laws and regulations can vary by state, so it is crucial to consult with legal professionals who specialize in reproductive law to understand the specific requirements and processes in your jurisdiction. Working with a reputable surrogacy agency like American Surrogacy can provide guidance and support throughout the entire surrogacy journey.

How to Become a Surrogate Mother for Money

At American Surrogacy, we advocate for compensated surrogacy because of the time and effort it takes to be a surrogate. If you complete our screening process and are approved and matched with a family, you will receive compensation for the process. 

That being said, if the only reason you want to become a surrogate is the money, this may not be the path for you. Surrogacy can be an emotional and at times difficult journey, and most successful surrogates have a strong desire to help another family grow.

How Can I Become a Surrogate Today?

The first step to becoming a surrogate is to get help from a professional, who can help you through all of the questions you have when you are wondering “How do I become a surrogate?” You can click here to get help from our surrogacy professionals now.

How Much Money Do Surrogates Make?

Women considering surrogacy want to pursue the journey to earn fair compensation and to help a couple or single hopeful parent have a child. Keep reading to learn the answer to the question, “How much money do surrogates make,” and more.

If you’re wondering, “How much money do surrogates make,” you’ve come to the right place. This guide will explain how base compensation works, what type of reimbursement surrogates receive, and why surrogates choose to embark on this enriching journey.

Contact us today to learn more about surrogate compensation and to find out how you can start your surrogacy journey. We’re ready to connect you with one of our skilled surrogacy specialists who will help you find the right adoptive family and ensure you get the most competitive compensation package possible.

How Much Money Do Surrogates Make?

Women who serve as gestational carriers with American Surrogacy can earn anywhere from $45,000 to $75,000 for their time and services.

Our agency breaks down our base compensation payment structure in the following way:

  • How Much Money Do Surrogates Get for Their First Surrogacy?: First-time surrogates have never served as gestational carriers and can earn anywhere from $45,000 to $75,000.
  • How Much Money Do You Make Being a Surrogate for the Second or Third Time? Repeat surrogates have already served as surrogates and can earn up to $75,000 for their time.

All surrogates can use their base compensation however they please. A few common things women choose to spend their money on include:

  • A down payment on a home
  • Paying off student loans
  • Anything else the surrogate wants to

The Importance of Earning Base Compensation

While surrogates can always choose to waive their right to payment and pursue altruistic surrogacy, our agency encourages every surrogate to take some compensation for their time and energy.

Codi, a surrogate through our agency, explains how she realized that compensation for serving as a gestational carrier was essential.

“When I started the process, I always thought, ‘I could probably do it without compensation like I just really want to do this,’” Codi said. “However, I think it’s important now that I’ve gone through it, to say it was very valuable. The compensation made it feel like I was valued in that sense.”

Do Surrogates Make Money That Helps Them Pay for Surrogacy?

While all surrogates who work with our agency always have the opportunity to earn base compensation, surrogates also will get reimbursed for their surrogacy expenses.

When you work with our agency, the following expenses are covered:

  • Pregnancy costs
  • Medical expenses
  • Surrogacy and attorney fees
  • Travel costs
  • And more

You will never have to pay to become a surrogate when working with our agency.

Breaking Down How Much You Can Make as a Surrogate for a Family

Once you have decided to become a surrogate, you can reach out to our agency to start your exciting journey! The following is a brief rundown of how base compensation works:

  • Once you match with a hopeful adoptive family, each surrogate party will sign the surrogacy contract, and you’ll start the surrogacy medical process. After a successful pregnancy is detected (around six weeks of pregnancy), you’ll begin receiving base compensation for your time.
  • Our agency will help create an escrow account to ensure your base compensation payments are managed correctly and that the payment plan matches the terms agreed to in your surrogacy contract.
  • All your payments are placed into the account in 10 equal amounts. You will receive your last payment after delivering the intended parents’ child.

The Other Life-Changing Benefits of Becoming a Surrogate

Of course, in addition to earning fair and competitive base compensation, surrogates also choose to help hopeful intended parents out of the goodness of their hearts.

The Selfless Act of Serving as a Surrogate

Becoming a surrogate is an incredibly kind act.

When you choose to take this journey, you’re changing countless lives for the better. And although surrogacy is filled with ups and downs, your surrogacy specialist and the surrogate party you work with will have your back.

Everyone wants to see you succeed and will ensure you remain happy, healthy, and supported on this empathetic path.

Learn More About Surrogacy Today

Now that you know the answer to the common question, “How much money do surrogates make,” you can reach out to a specialist at our agency today. We’re here to help you start this incredible journey and will ensure you’re taken care of every step of the way.

For even more insight about how surrogacy works, connect with surrogates and intended parents through our social media.

Surrogacy is On the Rise, But Don’t Call it Commercial

Surrogacy is on the rise, and is often referred to as commercial surrogacy. However, it’s important to understand what surrogacy really means and how it’s far more than a transaction.

With gestational surrogacy on the rise as a family-building option, many people have taken note of the compensation that surrogates receive for the selfless service they provide. Because of the financial aspect of surrogacy, many have come to refer to this form of surrogacy as compensated surrogacy or commercial surrogacy.

While commercial surrogacy is not an inaccurate term, it can paint a blurry picture of what it truly means to be a surrogate. To get more information about what commercial surrogacy really means, get connected with a surrogacy specialist today.

Below we’ll break down why you should be wary of using terms like “commercial” surrogacy.

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is an amazing family-building method where a surrogate, also known as a gestational carrier, carries a baby for intended parents who may not be able to conceive or carry a pregnancy on their own. There are many reasons why intended parents might choose surrogacy as a way to build their family:

  • Couples struggling with infertility
  • LGBTQ+ couples
  • Hopeful single parents
  • Couples who don’t want to pass on health conditions

No matter what the reason is, gestational surrogacy allows hopeful couples and individuals to become the parents they’ve always dreamed of being.

How Does Surrogacy Work?

The majority of commercial surrogacies today are gestational surrogacies. Gestational surrogacy is a type of surrogacy where the baby being carried by the surrogate is biologically related to one or both of the intended parents and/or a gamete donor.

The main three stages of the gestational surrogacy process include:

  • Finding a surrogacy match
  • Completing a legal contract
  • Transferring an embryo to the surrogate

In most cases of commercial surrogacy, intended parents will work with a full-service surrogacy agency to find a surrogacy match. Once they’ve found their perfect match, both parties complete a surrogacy contract that will outline responsibilities, risks and surrogate compensation. Once everyone is on the same page, a fertility clinic will facilitate the IVF and embryo transfer process. The IVF process usually involves:

  • The eggs and sperm of both intended parents
  • A donor egg fertilized with sperm from the intended father
  • The intended mother’s egg fertilized with the donor sperm
  • An embryo created from both donor egg and sperm

Once a pregnancy has been confirmed, the surrogate will begin receiving surrogate compensation in monthly installments. This is where commercial surrogacy gets its name. The surrogate will carry the baby to term, and the intended parents will assume full custody of their child when they are born.

What is Commercial Surrogacy?

Commercial surrogacy, more accurately known as compensated surrogacy, is when a surrogate is paid for her service as a surrogate. The alternative to this is altruistic surrogacy, where a surrogate carries a baby for intended parents without compensation. This type of gestational surrogacy is typically done between close friends and family members.

Some critics feel that commercial surrogacy is unethical because it appears exploitative in nature and commodifies pregnancy. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Every surrogate who enters into a commercial surrogacy contract does so willingly and enthusiastically.

Going through the surrogacy process and carrying a baby for someone else often means surrogates are dedicating one to two years of their time and physical and emotional energy. Proponents of commercial surrogacy argue that it’s only fair that surrogates are compensated for the incredible service they’re providing in addition to caring for themselves and their own families.

What Commercial Surrogacy Really Means [More than a Transaction]

While surrogates do get paid through commercial surrogacy, money is rarely the factor that inspires them to become gestational carriers. For many surrogates, surrogacy is an opportunity to change the lives of hopeful intended parents by helping them grow their family.

Many hopeful intended parents are not able to have a child on their own but still want to be involved in bringing their baby into the world. Surrogacy gives them that gift, which is why intended parents are not only prepared to compensate their surrogate but often happy to do so.

Creating a family is priceless, but commercial surrogacy allows intended parents to express their gratitude for all their surrogate has given them.

Get Help Now

If you have questions about commercial surrogacy, we’d be more than happy to have a conversation with you. Get connected with a surrogacy specialist or call 1-800-875-2229 today to learn more.

What if Embryo Transfer Doesn’t Work?

Becoming a parent through surrogacy can be a beautiful journey, but the journey can be long. At American Surrogacy, we can help you even if your embryo transfer doesn’t take.

You can fulfill your dreams of becoming a parent through surrogacy, but an unsuccessful embryo transfer can be difficult news when you’ve already been on a long journey to parenthood.

At American Surrogacy, we protect you if an embryo transfer doesn’t work, so you can rest easy and focus on preparing for your new family member. You can get more information by calling 1-800-875-2229 or connecting with one of our surrogacy specialists.

Here is how we handle embryo transfers that don’t work out:

First Embryo Transfer

The first embryo transfer with your surrogate can be exciting—you will likely have spent months or more preparing for this moment. You will have spent time getting information, finding a great surrogate, working out the details of your surrogate agreement, and preparing medically for the transfer procedure.

You will likely have spent a significant amount of time, energy, and money preparing, and there is no guarantee that your first transfer will be successful.

When your anticipation and excitement end in disappointment at an unsuccessful transfer, you can be left with many questions. With some surrogacy agencies, you may be required to pay again to find another surrogate. You may find yourself with another long wait time or may have to stop your surrogacy journey, but not with American Surrogacy.

At American Surrogacy, we will match you with another surrogate, and you can repeat the embryo transfer process without paying again for matching with a surrogate.

Second Embryo Transfer and Beyond

Even if your first and second embryo transfers don’t take, American Surrogacy will help you find another surrogate, and you can continue the process of surrogacy with no extra charges, which means you can have peace of mind for the surrogacy process.

American Surrogacy will continue to help you until you run out of embryos or you decide to end the process, and even then, you have options for your family.

Gamete or Embryo Donation

When you run out of embryos, you can always seek out gamete or embryo donation to continue your surrogacy journey, although this may take extra steps.

If you have sperm or eggs, you can seek out a donor for one or the other.  Sperm donation can be relatively quick, while egg donation can take longer due to the egg retrieval process. Both sperm and egg donations may also require health screenings, which could add time to your surrogacy journey.

But ultimately, gamete and embryo donation means that you can continue your surrogacy journey even if you run out of your initial embryos.

Ending Your Surrogacy Journey

Pregnancy always has some unpredictability. Some intended parents end their journey sooner than they expect, and some intended parents can make multiple attempts at a surrogate pregnancy without success. In these unfortunate situations, many intended parents spend many thousands of dollars and come away disappointed.

The money and time you spend on surrogacy may mean that other options for growing your family may be more difficult when you decide to change course.

When this happens at many surrogacy agencies, there isn’t a lot you can do. You may be at square one for financial planning, or you may just have to accept that your money is gone.

But at American Surrogacy, we know how important your plans are and how much you have anticipated this journey. We make sure you are protected from financial loss— we make some of your fees refundable so that if you choose to end your surrogacy journey, other options for growing your family can still be within reach.

Get Help Now

We know community is an important part of any surrogacy journey. You can connect with others going through similar experiences through our social media.

No matter where you are in your surrogacy journey, American Surrogacy can help you through the whole journey, even if you have had unsuccessful surrogacy attempts. Connect with our surrogacy specialists here or call 1-800-875-2229.

How to Talk About Your Surrogacy Decision

Surrogacy can be a beautiful journey, and it is becoming more common, but not everyone is familiar with the process. Sharing the news with friends and family can be an exciting step, but it can also bring up questions and conversations.

This guide can help you talk about your surrogacy decision with friends and family. You can connect with the surrogacy community through our Instagram.

You can also call 1-800-875-BABY or click here to talk to a surrogacy professional and get guidance on sharing the news with friends and family.

How to Share Your Good News

How you share your news of surrogacy is totally up to you, and you have some options:

Sharing One-on-One

Sitting down with each person individually in a comfortable space can give you time to talk through any details. This can be a great way to share news with people close to you so that you can give them space to feel included in your journey and give them an opportunity to show their support for you.

This can also be a great strategy if you think someone may have questions or concerns so that you can address them fully and allow them space to share their thoughts and feelings with you. You can also choose who exactly you want to tell and keep the process as private as you would like.

Sharing Through a Social Media Post or Pregnancy Announcement

When it comes to sharing with a lot of friends and family, social media posts or pregnancy announcements can be a great way to get the word out to everyone.

If you choose to share through a social media post or pregnancy announcement, it means that all of your family and friends can feel included in your journey, and it can also help you out later on when the new baby comes—since you won’t be showing a baby bump, it can keep people from being surprised by the new addition to your family.

This choice can allow you to get creative in announcing the pregnancy, and you may even choose to include your surrogate so that people are aware of your journey. It also gives people an opportunity to come to you if they want to talk to you more about surrogacy.

Those who have any questions or negative thoughts may have the space to do research or collect themselves before they talk to you, so you may have more productive conversations, and if they have negative things to say, they may not go out of their way to talk to you.

Sharing at a Dinner or Gathering

Another great strategy for sharing your announcement is to share the news while your friends and family are gathered. Sharing in person can make the news feel more personal and special rather than sharing it over social media or in mailed announcements.

Sharing in a group can be even easier if you tell a friend or two ahead of time because you will know that you have supportive people by your side. When you are surrounded by supportive people, anyone who might have something negative to say may keep their thoughts to themselves.

Answering Some Common Questions

Coming prepared with answers to common questions may help you prepare for announcing your surrogacy. We have included some below.


Asking why you chose surrogacy may be a sensitive subject, especially if you have personal or medical reasons for choosing surrogacy that you don’t want to share with friends or family.

Remember that you are empowered to share your journey in the way that is most comfortable for you, and no one is entitled to know your personal or medical history. Something as simple as “We are excited to grow our family, and this is a great way to do it.” can be just as effective as a more in-depth answer.

If you are comfortable, sharing more information with friends or family may be a great way to include them in your journey. Having a one or two-sentence explanation for why you chose surrogacy can help you if you are nervous about getting the “why” questions.

Some examples:

“We had embryos left from IVF and were excited to have a child.”

“We wanted to have a child, and after reflection, we decided surrogacy was our best option.”

“It’s been a long journey to have a child, and it led us to surrogacy.”

“We learned more about surrogacy and found that it was a great option for us.”

Will Your Surrogate Share DNA with Your Baby?

In modern surrogacy, your baby will not share DNA with your surrogate. You can simply say “no.”

How Does it Work?

This kind of question can come in many forms. Some may ask you about generalities or specifics. In some cases, people may even wonder aloud about whether there was intimacy involved with your surrogate.

These questions can sometimes be said without thought, but the questions almost always come out of genuine curiosity. You can read articles on how the process works and explain as much as you want, or you can share articles and resources that they can read themselves. With the wide variety of information available online, you only need to share what you feel comfortable sharing.

How to Deal with Potentially Unsupportive Friends and Family

If you are expecting a friend or family member may not be supportive, talking one-on-one with a supportive partner or friend by your side may help you feel comfortable.

It may also be helpful to remind yourself that this may be a new process for friends and family, and they may be learning, so try not to take questions or their emotions personally. Their first reactions are not necessarily a reflection of their long-term support or feelings on the subject.

Get Help from a Surrogacy Professional

Surrogacy professionals can help you during every step of your surrogacy journey, including announcing the decision to family and friends. You can call 1-800-875-BABY or click here to get help from a surrogacy professional now.

What to Know about Pregnancy, Infants and RSV

RSV is a virus that can be serious in newborns and young children. It affects the lungs, respiratory system and breathing. Read more on how to prevent spread.

The holiday season is about spending time with family and spreading cheer, but it’s also the time to be cautious about what else we are spreading. The colder months also mean flu season, typically involving a rise in common cold cases such as the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

RSV is a virus that can be particularly serious in newborns and children under 5 years old because it affects the lungs, respiratory system and breathing. This guide will help families protect their little ones during and after the gestational pregnancy. Let’s understand:

  • What the symptoms are of RSV
  • The precautions to take during pregnancy
  • How milder cases of RSV can be treated at home
  • When to seek treatment
  • And more

What are the Symptoms of RSV?

The symptoms of RSV can look very similar to those of COVID-19 and the flu. People infected with RSV usually show symptoms within 4 to 6 days. Symptoms of the infection can include:

  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Coughing then wheezing
  • Fever
  • Decrease in appetite

These symptoms usually appear in stages and not all at once. In very young infants with RSV, the only symptoms may be irritability, decreased activity, and difficulty breathing.

How to Prevent and Care for RSV

Each year in the United States, an estimated 58,000-80,000 children younger than 5 years old are hospitalized because of RSV infection. Infections in healthy children and adults are generally less severe than among infants and older adults with certain medical conditions.

Those at greatest risk for severe illness from RSV include:

  • Premature infants
  • Infants 6 months and younger
  • Older adults and children younger than 2 years old with chronic lung disease
  • Children and adults with weakened immune systems
  • Children who have neuromuscular disorders, causing difficulty in swallowing or clearing mucus

But this virus is common and typically not severe. People will most likely get infected with RSV for the first time as an infant or toddler. In addition, nearly all children are infected before their second birthday.

There is no specific treatment for RSV infection, but researchers work tirelessly to develop helpful vaccines.  

Help Prevent the Spread of RSV

Whether you made the selfless decision of being a surrogate or you are the intended parent, a child’s safety is always critical.

There are steps you can take to help prevent the spread of RSV. If you have cold-like symptoms, you should:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs and phones or tablets
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your upper shirt sleeve, not your hands
  • Avoid close contact, such as kissing, shaking hands and sharing cups with others

RSV can spread in many different ways, like when:

  • An infected person coughs or sneezes
  • You get virus droplets from a cough or sneeze in your eyes, nose or mouth
  • You have direct contact with the virus, like kissing the face of a child with RSV

Most RSV infections go away on their own in a week or two. But, repeat infections may occur throughout life, and people of any age can become infected.

Steps to Relieve Symptoms at Home

In the U.S., RSV circulation generally starts during fall and peaks in the winter. The timing and severity of RSV circulation can vary from year to year.

  • Manage fever and pain with over-the-counter fever reducers and pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Never give aspirin to children).
  • Keep your child hydrated with water and electrolyte drinks to prevent dehydration (loss of body fluids).
  • Talk to your healthcare provider before giving your child nonprescription cold medicines. Some medicines contain ingredients that are not good for children.

When to See the Pediatrician or Visit an Emergency Center for RSV

Some cases of RSV can be serious and cause severe illnesses such as:

  • Bronchiolitis
  • Pneumonia
  • And more

If your child has any of the following symptoms, you should contact your pediatrician immediately:

  • Fast, labored breathing
  • Discolored skin, lips or nails
  • Dehydration
  • Symptoms worsen or do not improve after 10 days

In the most severe cases, hospitalized patients may require oxygen, IV fluids and/or mechanical ventilation. Most improve with this type of supportive care and are discharged in a few days.

For pregnant women, RSV infection may pose a substantial risk for hospitalization and further complications, and the infection is likely worsened in the setting of baseline pulmonary diseases, such as asthma and tobacco use.


Talk to your healthcare provider today If your child is at high risk for severe RSV disease.

For more perspectives from surrogates and intended parents, check in on our Instagram.

For more information regarding the late stages of the surrogacy process, you can contact an American Surrogacy specialist now. Get started today and grow your family through surrogacy.