About the Qualifications for Surrogacy

If you’re wondering about the qualifications for surrogacy, then we’ve got you covered. Here’s all you need to know about becoming a surrogate.

Most surrogates truly want to experience something special. They simply want to help intended parents see their dream of parenting become a reality. If you’re a prospective surrogate, then it’s normal to be curious about the qualifications for surrogacy. So, how do you become a surrogate? And, what do you need to do if don’t meet those requirements at first?

You can work with American Surrogacy to find out exactly what is needed to continue to pursue surrogacy even if you are initially declined. That’s why we’ve created this guide to help you out. Whenever you need us, you can contact us online to get free surrogacy information now.

Becoming a Surrogate [and Making Lifestyle Changes]

As a prospective surrogate, meeting the necessary qualifications is important. But, what happens if you don’t meet them? In certain cases, people can make the needed changes in their lifestyles to become a surrogate. For example, if you are a smoker or have been taking a flagged medication, you can quit either one and, after a specific amount of time, become a surrogate.

In other words, you can still become a surrogate. You are not locked out of this path for good. That’s why it’s crucial to speak with a trusted surrogacy specialist at American Surrogacy to see what your options are. Maybe you’ll find out that, with the proper changes in lifestyle or in general, you can help other people build their family.

You can hear surrogate’s perspectives on the surrogacy process through our Instagram.

The Screening Process [What It Entails]

When you decide to become a surrogate, you will have to go through the surrogacy screening process. We understand that this may sound overwhelming, so we’ll break it down for you below. Even if you’re worried that you may not qualify, that doesn’t mean you can’t give it another go after some time has passed and you’ve made some changes in your life.

Social and Medical History Forms

Following the initial surrogacy application, you will complete the social and medical history forms. On top of these forms, you will also need to provide:

  • A letter of approval from your OB/GYN
  • A copy of your driver’s license
  • Your insurance card and a PDF of your policy manual

Keep in mind that our trusted specialists at American Surrogacy are here to walk you through each and every step of your journey. When you work with us, you are never alone.

Home Evaluation

To make sure that your living environment is healthy for both you and the baby, you will need to undergo an in-home assessment. A licensed social worker will come to your home, ask you some questions and take a look at the house to ensure its safety. They’ll need to speak with all adults living in the home, too. To give you a better idea of what you’ll talk about with them, you’ll cover topics such as:

  • Why you’re pursuing surrogacy
  • Any concerns you have about the process
  • How you’ll look after yourself and your pregnancy

It’s normal to feel stressed out about this step, as it can seem intense at first glance. Your social worker will understand if you’re feeling nervous.  They’re simply making sure that you are prepared and that your surrogacy goes according to plan.

Medical Assessment

As you may have guessed, you will also have to complete a medical evaluation. This is to ensure your physical safety and readiness for the pregnancy and the embryo transfer. Here at American Surrogacy, we abide by the recommendations from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). These guidelines include:

  • Lab testing for blood and urine
  • A letter of approval from your primary care physician
  • A review of your sexual history
  • A physical exam that includes saline infusion sonohysterography (SIS)
  • And more

Remember, if you are concerned that you may not meet the qualifications of surrogacy at first, you can make some alterations in your lifestyle. Once you have waited a certain amount of time, you can try again. If you have any more questions about this, then you can fill out our online contact form to get more free information now. We would be more than happy to help you out.

Pursuing Surrogacy with Family and Friends [Things to Consider]

Is pursuing surrogacy with family and friends an option for you? Here are some things to consider before you move forward.

Surrogacy can be an incredibly personal process. Asking someone to carry your baby requires a lot of vulnerability, so it can feel particularly intimidating to ask this of someone who you’ve never met before. Because of this, you might be considering pursuing surrogacy with family or friends.

But, there are some potential risks of choosing surrogacy with close friends and family members. What are those risks, though? And how can you ensure that your surrogacy process is as stress-free as can be? We have prepared this in-depth article to help you out. You can also contact us online at any time to get more surrogacy information now. In the meantime, you can continue reading to learn what you need to consider before choosing surrogacy with a loved one.

Gestational Surrogacy with Family and Friends [Things to Consider]

As someone interested in the surrogacy process, you simply want to realize your lifelong dreams of parenthood. To make this complex process a bit easier, maybe you’ve thought about pursuing gestational surrogacy with a family member or a close friend. But, the risks of this path may outweigh the initial comforts.

For instance, what happens if something doesn’t go according to plan? Just as the surrogacy journey can be complicated itself, the emotions you will all experience along the way can also be complex. These can range anywhere from joy and excitement to depression and grief.

To avoid the possible pitfalls and lost relationships, working with an agency like American Surrogacy means you’ll have everything that you need for your surrogacy experience. When you work with us, you can match with a well-qualified surrogate or the right intended parents. You can all have a wonderful surrogacy journey together without the risk of damaging significant relationships due to the complex emotions and occasional challenges of the lengthy surrogacy process.

What Is Gestational Surrogacy?

There’s no doubt that surrogacy can be a pretty technical concept. There is a lot of jargon and terminology that you may not know, and that’s completely OK. So, just what is gestational surrogacy? This is a type of surrogacy in which the gestational surrogate, also known as the gestational carrier, has no biological tie to the child that they’re carrying for the intended parents.

When it comes to the types of surrogacy, gestational surrogacy differs quite a bit from traditional surrogacy. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate’s egg is used to create the embryo. This means that the surrogate will be the biological mother of the baby, so their parental rights will need to be terminated.

IUI vs. IVF [What to Consider]

Another key difference between traditional and gestational surrogacy is that the former uses intrauterine insemination (IUI), whereas the latter uses in vitro fertilization (IVF). These days, gestational surrogacy and IVF are the norm for surrogates and intended parents.

This is a component worth thinking about if you’re choosing surrogacy with a family member or friend. IUI is when the embryo is created using the surrogate’s own egg. On the other hand, IVF is when the embryo is created by the intended parents, and it may require a donated egg or sperm. Once the embryo is created, a fertility clinician will transfer it to the surrogate’s uterus. Keep in mind, though, that this process does have the potential for multiple tries.

Here at American Surrogacy, we exclusively facilitate gestational surrogacies, so IVF is what our intended parents and prospective surrogates will use. Also, because of our matching process, you can all form an amazing connection that lasts a lifetime. In fact, you may discover that you’ve made a new extended family member or a new close friend throughout your journey.

What to Know about Your Matching Process

American Surrogacy is a national surrogacy agency, which means that we coordinate surrogacies throughout the United States. This gives you the greatest chance possible of finding the absolute perfect match. Our national reach ensures that you will reach as many prospective surrogates or intended parents as you can.

Also, our trusted specialists will be there for you every step of the way. When you choose American Surrogacy, you can rest assured that we will find you the perfect match, and your relationships with friends and family will remain as close as they have always been.

If you do decide to pursue your surrogacy journey with a family member or friend, you can feel confident knowing your surrogacy specialist will help navigate any potential challenges, ensuring that you have the best experience possible.

American Surrogacy is the fastest-growing, full-service surrogacy agency in the U.S., and we can guide you through the entire process with the personal attention you deserve.


Do you have some more questions? We’re here to answer them for you. You can fill out our online contact form at any time to get more free information now. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

What Happens if the Intended Parents Change Their Mind?

You are ready to become a surrogate mother and go through the various steps of the surrogacy process. It is not exactly an easy journey, but it is one that you’re willing to embark on. Because it can be so complicated, you may be concerned that the intended parents will change their minds. We’re here to tell you that there is no need to worry.

If you would like to get free surrogacy information now, then you can fill out our online contact form at any time, or explore the content on our social pages like Instagram. But, we have also spent some time putting together this comprehensive article to explain to you why the intended parents likely will not change their minds about surrogacy.

What Happens if the Intended Parents Change Their Minds?

No matter what, you can never legally keep the baby. In other words, the intended parents cannot change their minds and force you to raise the baby yourself. If the family for one reason or another changes their mind, then the child would be put up for adoption.

Ultimately, it is pretty rare that this is something that you would have to worry about anyway. But, in the case that you would, you can rest assured knowing that the baby would be placed for adoption with a loving, nurturing family. You wouldn’t have to fret over unexpectedly raising them.

So, this means that you will never have to become a parent if you are not ready to. Whether that is through surrogacy or adoption, there is always an option available to you.

Screening for Intended Parents [And How It Protects You]

Because you are a prospective surrogate mother, you are making a significant commitment. It takes up quite a bit of your time, and it’s a big emotional investment, as well. That could be why you were so worried about the intended parents changing their minds.

The good news is that there is a thorough screening process for intended parents. Just as prospective surrogate mothers like you undergo certain screening requirements, the intended parents also go through their own version of that system. This is designed to protect your interests and make sure that the intended parents can’t force you to keep the baby. They will also sign some legal documents that prevent them from doing so.

We would like to reiterate, though, that if for some reason they change their minds, your baby will likely be put up for adoption through a reputable private agency. Becoming a prospective surrogate mother should never have to come with the added risk of raising a child yourself. That’s not fair to you, and this screening process for intended parents protects you from that. Still, it is incredibly rare for intended parents to change their minds at the last minute.

You Can Still Change Your Mind about a Match

On the other hand, you can always change your mind about a particular match. If you have suddenly realized that a family is not right for your needs or preferences, then finding new intended parents is always a click away. There is no shame in going with your gut decision.

If this scenario applies to you, then you can get in touch with your trusted surrogacy professional and search for new intended parents whenever you want. You can sit down with your professional, and you can browse intended parents together until you find a match that you feel 100% confident in. Take all the time that you need to find the right family for you. This choice will always rest in your hands.


So, what happens if the intended parents change their minds? First of all, you can rest easy knowing that this almost never happens. The intended parents go through plenty of steps to ensure that they are committed to this path. It involves a lot of work, and it ensures that they are as ready to move forward as ever. Even in the case that the intended parents do change their minds, the baby will be placed for adoption with a caring, compassionate family.

This can be a lot of information to soak in at once, so we understand if you have some more questions. That’s why you can get more surrogacy information now when you contact us online. We would be more than happy to help you out in any way possible.

Can I Become a Gestational Carrier if I’m Single?

After you have spent some time researching surrogacy and learning more about it, you might realize that becoming a surrogate mother is something that you’d like to do. But, you might have one big question. Can you still become a gestational carrier if you’re single? Yes, you absolutely can.

If you would like to get more surrogacy information now, then you can fill out our online contact form whenever you’re ready to reach out to us. In the meantime, though, we have put together this informative guide that spells out how you can become a surrogate mother when you’re single.

Can I Become a Gestational Carrier if I’m Single?

You can become a gestational carrier if you’re single. Although it is possible, there are a few things that you need to be aware of. For instance, you will likely want to build a support system. Also, if you have kids, you will have to spend some time away from them if the fertility clinic is in another city.

Becoming a surrogate mother when you’re single is doable, but it requires a lot more planning. To help you understand what exactly this would entail, we have detailed a few things below that you’ll need to keep in mind.

Building a Support System

One of the most important parts of becoming a surrogate mother when you’re single is building a surrogacy support system. Maybe you already have a close network of family members, friends and other loved ones to lean on during this time. But, if you haven’t built one yet, then it can make a big difference in your overall surrogacy process.

Becoming a gestational carrier isn’t easy. This rings true from both an emotional and physical standpoint. That’s why it’s so critical for prospective surrogate mothers like you to build this support system so that you are not alone in this journey.

You can find a supportive community of surrogates and intended parents on our Instagram page.

Spending Time Away from Your Children

Another aspect of being a single surrogate is that, if you have children, you would have to spend some time away from them if the fertility clinic is far away. In fact, the clinic could be located in another city, which means that you would have to find someone to take care of your kids while you’re gone. Maybe that person who can watch them will be in your surrogacy support system.

Having Someone with You for Appointments

For anyone who decides to become a surrogate mother, whether you’re single or not, doctor’s appointments and regular health check-ups are always a part of it. Going to these appointments by yourself can seem intimidating, and it can be nice to have someone else there with you to support you. The medical process of surrogacy can be taxing on your own, so having a close friend or family member with you can be helpful.

This point also plays into building your surrogacy support system. At the end of the day, no one should have to go through the surrogacy journey alone. That’s why having loved ones around you right now is paramount to having a smooth experience as a prospective surrogate. It can help you in many ways that you may have not even realized at first.


From a general outlook, your journey as a prospective surrogate who’s single is not all that different from someone who is married and choosing surrogacy. The main difference is that you’ll have to do a bit more planning and build a strong support system. This support system of loved ones can help you watch your children and be there with you at your doctor’s appointments.

Remember, you can contact us online at any time to get free surrogacy information now. We would be more than happy to help you out whenever you may need us.

A Guide to Surrogacy Medications [What to Know]

When a woman conceives a pregnancy naturally, her body will produce specific pregnancy hormones to prepare the uterus for pregnancy and create a safe and stable environment for the embryo to grow and develop. When it comes to surrogacy, the gestational carrier will need to recreate these hormones through supplemental and regimented medications.

As a surrogate, you will be prescribed a variety of medications and hormones to maintain and control your cycle to ensure a safe embryo transfer. These medications will increase your chances of achieving and sustaining a successful pregnancy at every stage.

The exact amount of medication and when you take it will depend on a variety of factors such as your own unique needs and circumstances throughout your surrogacy process. It’s important to take all the medications you are prescribed at the appropriate times, as directed by your doctor. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your medical professional or surrogacy specialist.

Birth Control Pills

The first types of medication you will be asked to take are birth control pills. The fertility clinic will use these to sync up your cycle to coordinate with the date of the embryo transfer. Your fertility specialist will make sure you start and stop taking these pills at the right times so that everything lines up with the transfer.


After taking birth control pills, you will begin taking Lupron. You will administer Lupron via injection for just a little under a month. Lupron will prevent your cycle from interfering with the surrogacy process by limiting the release of hormones that affect your cycle. It does this by preventing your ovaries from ovulating prematurely, regulating your cycle.

Side effects: Headache, fatigue and hot flashes


Next up, you’ll add estrogen to your surrogacy medication regimen about two weeks after you begin Lupron. You will be able to take estrogen in the form of pills, twice a day. Sometimes this can be done via path or injection. The estrogen will help coordinate with the intended mother or donor’s cycle, as well as help maintain early pregnancy.

Side effects: Nausea, breast tenderness, headache, weight changes, upset stomach, cramps.


You will start taking progesterone five days before the embryo transfer.  This will be done through an intramuscular injection, rather than subcutaneous. You’ll want to massage the injection site to make sure the hormone is dispersed evenly. After a successful embryo transfer, you’ll continue taking progesterone until your 12th week of pregnancy to maintain a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Side effects: Bloating, irritability, dizziness, breast tenderness.

Additional Medications


You (and sometimes your partner) will be prescribed antibiotics before the embryo transfer to ensure that your body is clear of any bacteria and prevent infections. This will increase the chances of a successful embryo transfer. There are two main antibiotics you may receive:

  • Doxycycline. This antibiotic may be prescribed to you and your partner early on to treat any potential pelvic infections and act as an anti-rejection measure to increase the likelihood of your body accepting the embryo. This is taken in the form of a tablet.
  • Tetracycline. This antibiotic will be taken a few days ahead of the embryo transfer to prevent infection and rejection of the embryo. This will be taken via a tablet.


Medrol is a low-dose oral steroid that may increase the chances of a successful embryo transfer. This medication may not work for everyone, so make sure you listen to your doctor’s directives.


You may be advised to take aspirin in the first 12 weeks to increase your chances of successful embryo implantation. This should only be taken if your doctor approves of it.

Prenatal Vitamins

Your doctor will likely recommend that you take prenatal vitamins before the transfer and during your pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins ensure that you and the baby are getting the necessary nutrients to ensure that the baby is developing healthily.

Every pregnancy is different. You may not take the same dosage of the same medications at the same time as other surrogates. This will all depend on your unique body chemistry. Always be sure to follow your medical professional’s advice and ask questions as you have them. If you have questions about the medications and hormones you will be taking, reach out to your adoption specialist.

Our Instagram has insights from fellow surrogates about their surrogacy journey. Follow us there to see firsthand what it’s like for others who have helped change the lives of intended parents.

What Should Our Relationship with Our Gestational Surrogate Look Like? [3 Helpful Tips]

Finding out you’ve been matched with a gestational carrier is one of the most exciting parts of the surrogacy process because you get to move onto the medical portion of the process. This brings you closer to having the family you’ve been waiting so long to have.

The relationship you will have with your surrogate will be one of the most important bonds you’ll have throughout the surrogacy process. It’s important to have a healthy and supportive relationship with your surrogate. After all, she’s committing a significant amount of her time and physical and emotional energy to this process. It’s important to establish a positive connection from the very beginning.

It’s normal to be unsure about what your relationship with your surrogate is supposed to look like, especially if you’ve never gone through the surrogacy process before. If you even feel unsure or need some guidance, you can reach out to your surrogacy specialist to get advice on how to navigate your relationship with your surrogate. We’ve helped intended parents and surrogates on their surrogacy journey and we can do the same for you too.

You can reach out to a surrogacy specialist at any time for advice and guidance on how to build a healthy and positive relationship with your surrogate. Or you can continue reading our helpful tips below.

1. Show Her That You Care, but Respect Her Boundaries

As an intended parent, you’re likely experiencing a lot of different emotions: Excitement, anxiety, anticipation, etc. But don’t forget that you’re not the only one experiencing a complex mix of emotions. Carrying someone else’s child for nine months can be emotionally complicated, especially when you factor in pregnancy hormones.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to her and see how she’s doing. Make sure that she knows she can talk to you about what she’s feeling or thinking if she needs or wants to. With this in mind, it’s important that you don’t cross personal boundaries. You can be there for her without disregarding her space and privacy.

Checking in too much might make your gestational carrier feel like you don’t trust her. This may make her withdraw, which may then make you want to check in again, feeding into an unfortunate cycle. We understand that as intended parents you wish you could carry your child yourself and want to be as involved as you can. But at the end of the day, your carrier is providing you with a valuable service and it’s important that you respect her boundaries.

When drawing up your surrogacy contract, these boundaries can be outlined. Make sure you adhere to any agreed-upon modes and frequency of communication, and try not to hover too much. This will foster a positive relationship between you and your surrogate.

2. Help However You Can

While respecting your surrogate’s boundaries is integral to a positive bond, also keep in mind that she’s taking on a big physical and emotional commitment by choosing to carry for you. Even if she’s excited to be your gestational carrier and enjoys being pregnant, being a surrogate in addition to family responsibilities, job obligations and other time commitments can be overwhelming.

As the intended parent, you should always offer to help in any way you can. If she needs financial help, be sure to reach out to your surrogacy specialist to make sure that she is compensated in the way she needs. You can also provide valuable emotional support through taking her out to lunch, creating some pregnancy care packages, or take her and her family out for a fun activity.

As important as it is to financially support your surrogate, providing emotional support will strengthen your relationship and makes sure she feels appreciated.

3. Stay in Touch

Even though the surrogacy process will end once your baby has been born, that doesn’t mean your relationship with your surrogate has to end. Many intended parents stay in contact following the delivery, and even maintain a friendship. Some even come to see each other as extended family.

Let your surrogate know that you want to remain in her life even after the delivery, and demonstrate this through your actions. It can be incredibly hurtful for a surrogate to provide you with such an amazing miracle and then be shut out by the intended parents after the process is complete. Of course, it’s important to make sure she is comfortable with contact after the pregnancy.

Your surrogacy specialist can help you figure out the best way to navigate interactions with your gestational carrier during the birth of your child and the hospital stay, as well as how to maintain a positive relationship after the birth of your child.

For examples of a healthy relationship with your surrogate, check in with our Instagram. Intended parents and surrogates there are supportive and full of great ideas.

Having a healthy and mutually respectful relationship with your surrogate before, during and after the delivery will ensure a positive relationship for many years to come. If you have more questions about how to navigate the relationship between you and your gestational carrier, reach out to a surrogacy specialist today to get the answers you need.

What to Expect During a Surrogate Pregnancy

If you are a woman considering becoming a surrogate, you likely have many different questions, thoughts, and concerns. One of the most common questions we are asked is what is different about a surrogate pregnancy?

While the main differences lie in the medical procedure to become pregnant and there being no biological relationship to the child, there are many similarities and differences to consider. Throughout this blog, you will find helpful information about the surrogacy process for women who choose to become a surrogate, the differences you will experience during this type of pregnancy, and what to expect along the way.

Anytime you have questions about the surrogacy process, you can always call 1-800-875-BABY or fill out this online form to speak with a surrogacy professional. Surrogacy specialists will be more than happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have and provide the information and resources you may need to help you make a decision. 

There are plenty of surrogates and intended parents ready to share their advice and experiences. Connect with others like you through our Instagram page.

In the meantime, continue reading this blog to learn more about pregnancy as a surrogate. 

Becoming a Surrogate: The Screening Process

The number one priority for any woman considering becoming a surrogate is the overall safety for her and the potential child. Because of this, there are specific requirements in place to help protect everyone involved. American Surrogacy requirements include: 

  • Age range 21–38
  • BMI of 19–32 (learn your BMI)
  • No smoking or illicit drug use 
  • At least one successful pregnancy, but no more than five vaginal births and no more than four Cesarean births
  • Six months need to pass since the last vaginal or cesarean birth
  • Currently raising a child
  • No major complications from previous pregnancies
  • Pap smear completed within one year
  • Not receiving state assistance
  • Ability to travel as needed for surrogacy appointments
  • No felony convictions
  • No tattoos or piercings in the last six months
  • Cannot be on anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication for 12 months
  • No untreated addiction, abuse (child, sexual or physical), depression, eating disorders or traumatic pregnancy, labor and/or delivery

*Some exceptions may be considered; contact us for more information

Once you have been determined to meet these requirements, you will begin the surrogate screening process. The screening process will vary per each surrogacy agency. At American Surrogacy, screening includes a social and medical history, an in-home assessment where you will discuss your motivations to become a surrogate, any fears or concerns you may have about surrogacy, and more. You will undergo background checks, both general and criminal, mental health evaluations, and one of the most essential steps, the medical evaluation. 

Keep in mind, the purpose of this screening is not to intrude on your personal life but to ensure your overall health and safety, as well as the baby you may carry. During the medical evaluation, a fertility clinic will confirm you are physically able to have a successful embryo transfer and pregnancy. Essentially, it will be up to a fertility clinic to determine if you meet all of the health requirements to become a surrogate. 

Once you have passed all of the screening and medical requirements, you will be ready to find intended parents, complete the legal portion of becoming a surrogate, and prepare for the embryo transfer. This is where the most significant difference between a natural pregnancy and a surrogate pregnancy will occur.

To learn more about the screening process and requirements to become a surrogate, fill out this online form to speak with a surrogacy specialist. They will go more in-depth to make sure you fully understand this process and do not have any questions or concerns. Continue ready to learn more about surrogate pregnancy and what you can expect.

What is Different During a Surrogate Pregnancy?

When you become pregnant through surrogacy, the most considerable difference between natural pregnancy and surrogate pregnancy is the medical procedure to become pregnant and that the baby is not biologically related to you. 

The Medical Process

During gestational surrogacy, pregnancy occurs through in vitro fertilization (IVF). 

IVF combines the intended mother’s (or donor’s) eggs with the intended father’s (or donor’s) sperm to create an embryo, which will be transferred to you, the surrogate. Many different medications may be used to help ensure the hormonal levels are ideal for gestational surrogacy.  To mimic the process of a natural pregnancy, during gestational surrogacy, the embryos are incubated for five days following IVF and transferred to the surrogate’s uterus five days after her mid-cycle. A long, flexible catheter will be inserted through your cervix to place the embryo in your uterus. Depending upon the agreement made with the intended parents, one or two embryos may be transferred with hopes of a successful pregnancy. 

The embryo transfer is a fairly non-invasive procedure that does not require the use of anesthesia. To ensure your safety, you will be required to be on bed rest for 48 hours. Rest and no strenuous activity are suggested for a few days after the procedure. Approximately two weeks after the embryo transfer has occurred, you will return to the fertility clinic for a pregnancy test. Through hormone levels, doctors will be able to determine if the transfer was successful. 

If your hormone levels are positive, you will begin to schedule additional blood tests, ultrasounds, and regularly scheduled OBGYB visits for prenatal care. In many cases, several embryo transfers may take place before a successful pregnancy, so do not become discouraged if it takes more than one try. 

Other than potentially having more frequent doctors visits to ensure the pregnancy remains stable and that you and the baby are healthy, once a healthy pregnancy has been confirmed with your six-week ultrasound, your pregnancy will not be much different than any other pregnancy. Throughout the remainder of your pregnancy, like with any pregnancy, the goal is to remain healthy, eat well, stay active, and enjoy your pregnancy. 

Giving Birth to a Baby Not Biologically Related to You

When the time comes to deliver, the process will be the same as any other delivery. The biggest difference is that you are providing the gift of parenthood to intended parents who are unable to carry a baby to term themselves. Understanding that the baby you have carried is not yours can be difficult for some to imagine, but for others, it is the exact reason why they want to pursue surrogacy. This is why it is crucial during the screening process that you fully understand the concept and legal requirements of surrogacy. 

While many women considering becoming a surrogate have concerns about becoming emotionally attached, the majority of women’s emotions are consumed by the joy of providing intended parents with a child. Nonetheless, this is something to consider as you weigh your options to become a surrogate. 

Contact American Surrogacy

If you are considering becoming a surrogate, we understand there is a lot of information to process. Do not let the medical procedure or the differences in a surrogate pregnancy create unnecessary fear. We are here to help!  

Anytime you have questions, concerns, or want to discuss if surrogacy is the right path for you, call 1-800-875-2229 or fill out this online form. Surrogacy professionals will be more than happy to answer your questions and provide the information you need to help you make this life-changing decision.

Surrogacy vs. Adoption: The Pros and Cons of Becoming a Single Parent

Whether you are male or female, if you are exploring your options to become a single parent, gestational surrogacy and adoption are the two best choices available to help you reach your goals. 

But which option is better?

While surrogacy and adoption can provide the life-changing outcome of parenthood, these two processes and experiences are very different, so a precise answer doesn’t exist. Because every hopeful parent situation is unique, determining which is best for you will take plenty of thought and research. American Surrogacy is here to help, and this blog is a great place to start.

Below, we will discuss some of the pros and cons surrogacy and adoption have to offer as you begin your journey towards parenthood. Anytime you have questions about the surrogacy process, you can call 1-800-875-229 or fill out this form to get information from a surrogacy specialist from American Surrogacy.

Surrogacy and Adoption: Explaining the Two

Although you may have a general idea of what surrogacy and adoption are, it is crucial to understand the two better before you can begin to decide which may be best for you. 

What is Gestational Surrogacy?

Surrogates and intended parents are screened and must be approved before pursuing the life-changing path of surrogacy. Once approved, surrogates will choose the intended parents or parent they wish to carry for, the type of surrogacy they want to complete, and many other details of the surrogacy. The relationship and involvement throughout the process will depend upon what both parties are comfortable with and have agreed to.

During gestational surrogacy, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is used to create an embryo using the intended mother’s or a donor’s egg and the intended father’s or donor’s sperm. The embryo is then transferred to a “surrogate” with hopes of creating a successful pregnancy. Many same-sex couples, single women and men, and heterosexual couples experiencing fertility issues commonly require the assistance of an egg donor in gestational surrogacy. 

What is Adoption?

During an adoption, birth parents voluntarily place their child for adoption so that a different family or single parent can become parents. Throughout the process of adoption, hopeful parents must undergo screening and pass other qualifications to become eligible for adoption. Once a family has been chosen for placement by the birth parents, the mother relinquishes her parental rights, and the adoptive family takes them over. Once this process is completed, the court system transfers the parental rights to the adoptive family, which legally makes them the parent or parents of the child.

Birth parents can be as involved or distanced in the process as they choose. Through open adoption, birth parents can remain updated in their child’s life as they grow older, through updates, phone calls, emails, get-togethers, and more.

This brief overview of surrogacy and adoption is helpful. If you are looking for more in-depth information, the best thing to do is to call 1-800-875-2229 or fill out this online form to speak with a surrogacy professional. They will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and to discuss which options may be best for you.

The Pros and Cons of Becoming a Single Parent: Surrogacy vs. Adoption

Becoming a single parent is truly a life-changing decision. While surrogacy and adoption provide you the ability to make your dreams of parenthood come true, determining which path is best for you is a decision only you can make. For many, deciphering some of the pros and cons of each can assist in the decision-making process. Continue reading to find some of the pros and cons you may not have considered.


When it comes to choosing surrogacy as the way to reach your goal of becoming a parent, there are many things to consider. While the positive impact stands out, make sure you keep a level-headed approach and consider some of the potential negatives. Here are a few of the contrasting factors that come with single-parent surrogacy:


  • Through the surrogacy process, whether you are male or female, you have the option to have a biological child of your own.
  • No matter your relationship or marital status, you will experience the same steps of the surrogacy process as anyone else. 
  • Single-parent surrogacy may be better for you than choosing adoption. Many birth mothers look for two-parent homes when selecting adoptive families, which could make your adoption journey much longer.
  • Due to screening, the pregnancy, and the overall process, surrogacy tends to have a clearer timeline as to when you will become a parent. Adoption tends to be a bit less predictable when opportunities will occur.
  • Your child has no relation to the surrogate.


  • Pursuing surrogacy as a single parent can be expensive, especially when trying to afford the surrogacy costs on your own. This doesn’t even account for the costs of raising a child. Make sure you are financially able to ready to pursue this path.
  • Having a support system in place is necessary throughout the surrogacy process and while parenting. As a single parent, you need to be comfortable asking for help from friends or family along the way. 
  • Although it is becoming increasingly common, unfortunately, there is still a stigma around being a single parent. 
  • Surrogacy is still a fairly new method of childbirth. As a single parent who pursues surrogacy, you will need to be prepared to explain your decision, the process, and more, while being prepared for the mixed reactions you will receive.

These are just a few of the pros and cons to consider if you are looking into becoming a single parent through surrogacy. Ultimately, it will be up to you to decide whether single-parent surrogacy is the right choice in your journey to becoming a parent.

Anytime you need guidance along the way, you can call 1-800-875-2229 to speak with surrogacy specialists who will walk you through the surrogacy process and provide you with all the information you may need to help you make your decision.


What was once rarely discussed and negatively viewed by society has now become a common and celebrated decision. Adoption continues to positively adapt throughout the years and provides the opportunity for single adults to achieve their goals of parenthood. Before making any decisions to pursue adoption, you will want to consider the pros and cons you may face along the way. 


  • Whether you have experienced fertility issues, are a single male, or do not want to pursue other pregnancy options, no matter your reasoning, adoption allows you to become a single parent.
  • Through open adoption, you can continue to have a relationship with the birth mother, which provides your adopted child a larger support system and a better understanding of their life as an adoptee. 
  • From gender, age ranges, ethnicity, health, and more, you can set certain guidelines for the baby you are hoping to adopt as an adoptive parent.
  • You provide a birth mother the peace of mind that their child will be ok. The majority of adoption opportunities are from birth mothers experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. These women choose adoption because they know it is the best opportunity for their children. 


  • The adoption process can be lengthy. Because birth parents choose you, a specific timeline of when you will adopt and become a parent does not exist.
  • Adoption is expensive. Screening, financial support for the birth mother, and many other costs along the way can quickly add up.
  • Explaining adoption to your child, family, and friends can be difficult. Every adoptee will react differently. Although studies have shown that discussing adoption is healthy for everyone involved, and open adoption can help the situation, it can still be a challenge. Friends and family may not understand why you chose this path or may have their own opinions on adoption. 
  • Although your child is legally recognized as part of your family, they are biologically related to the birth mother.
  • You may experience a disruption. During an adoption, until a birth mother has provided her legal consent and relinquished her parental rights, there is a chance she chooses a different adoptive parent or changes her mind altogether. Disruptions can be difficult to understand and deal with.

Although adoption is an excellent opportunity if you wish to become a single parent, keep in mind every situation is unique and different pros and cons can arise throughout the process. Take your time, research your options, and speak with adoption professionals before making any decisions.

Contact American Surrogacy

Whether through surrogacy or adoption, becoming a parent is a life-changing decision. American Surrogacy is here to help determine which path is best for you and guide you every step of the surrogacy process! To get answers to all of your questions, discuss your concerns, and learn more about the process, give us a call at 1-800-875-2229 or fill out this online form to speak with a surrogacy professional.

You can also follow us on Instagram to hear directly from intended parents about surrogacy and how it changed their lives.

3 Tips for Pregnant Surrogates during the Holidays

Being pregnant can be overwhelming, especially during a busy holiday season. As a prospective surrogate, this sense of responsibility heightens. You are looking after the intended parents’ growing baby, and you are likely looking after a family of your own throughout the holidays. In other words, this can all become stressful pretty quickly. That’s why American Surrogacy is here to help!

To get free surrogacy information now, you can fill out our online contact form whenever you feel ready. In the meantime, though, we have put together this comprehensive guide of three tips for pregnant surrogates during the holidays. Without further ado, let’s jump right into it.

1. Enjoy Some Free Time

To say that the holidays are a busy time would be a drastic understatement. That’s not to say that you don’t enjoy all the festive events and traditions. Maybe you typically go all-out and deck your halls with a bunch of decorations. Maybe you prepare a massive feast for all your friends and family members. Whatever the case may be, this could be the year to dial things back a bit.

It is completely OK to turn down invitations and say “no.” You’re a pregnant surrogate, and that means you’ll need to take some time for yourself this holiday season. After all, you’re not just taking care of yourself this year; you are also looking after the baby in your belly. You don’t want to impose stress or a bunch of busy activities on the baby, so you will need to take it easy for yourself, too.

Instead, enjoy some free time. Or, find more relaxing alternatives to your usual holiday traditions. For instance, here are some options that you can consider:

  • Make a simple meal (instead of a complicated holiday turkey) for your friends and family.
  • Enjoy a relaxing staycation full of holiday movies by yourself or with loved ones.
  • Book a vacation for after your surrogacy journey to celebrate with others.

Remember, it is important to put yourself (and the baby) first this holiday season. Save yourself the stress and say “no” to obligations if you need to. You are pregnant during the holidays. There is no shame in doing so!

2. Spend Some Time with Your Family

As a pregnant surrogate, you may feel that you are constantly spending time with the intended parents. You are doing something brave, heroic and selfless for another family. That is nothing short of beautiful. But, it can be easy for you to end up spending more time with this family than your own.

Because the holidays are always a perfect time to reconnect with your family members, you can focus on your own family this season. To ensure that you spend some time with them, here are a few tips that we can give you:

  • Cut back on communication with the intended parents. You can still talk with the intended parents and wish them a happy holiday season! But, communicating with them a little bit less gives you more time to spend with your family. Be sure to speak with your surrogacy professional beforehand.
  • Spend time with your children (if applicable). It is always beneficial to speak with your kids about surrogacy at the appropriate time. The holidays can be a great time to explain how surrogacy works to your children. Talking about surrogacy with children can be difficult, but it is necessary if you have them. Whether you’ve had that conversation with them or not, the holidays are perfect for some quality time with your kids.
  • Enjoy a date night with your partner or spouse (if applicable). Surrogacy during the holiday season can take up plenty of your time. Hire a babysitter or ask if your friends or family can watch your children for an evening. Then, enjoy a night out on the town with your special someone!

Although the holidays can be overwhelming and busy, spending some time with your family can help mitigate that stress. This is an opportunity to spend time with the people who are important to you.

3. Exercise Self-Care

You may already know this, but pregnancy is hard. Throw surrogacy into the mix, and things get even more complex. So, exercising self-care this holiday season can be a great way to ensure that you are giving yourself (and the baby) a much-needed break. With that being said, here are a few tips to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself:

  • Get plenty of rest. Sleep is vital for your (and the baby’s) well-being. If you feel tired or even exhausted, then sleep! Don’t wake up too early if you don’t have to, and listen to your body to give it the rest that it needs.
  • Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated is one of the most important parts of staying healthy. Although there will be other tempting beverages, such as (non-alcoholic) eggnog, drinking water is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body.
  • Ask for help from loved ones. There is no shame in asking for help to lighten the weight on your shoulders. For example, maybe have your partner or spouse take over half of the holiday shopping list. Surrogacy is difficult, and asking for help in other areas of life can help you devote some more time to it.
  • Find community: You can connect to surrogates and intended families on our Instagram.

The holidays are a busy time, to say the least. As a prospective surrogate, these tips should help get you started for surviving (and thriving) during the holiday season! Remember that you can get more surrogacy information now by filling out our online contact form.

Can a Baby Look Like the Surrogate Mother?

As an intended parent, there can be plenty of details swarming through your brain. While you prepare for parenthood, there is a lot to think about. What is the right surrogacy match for you? What biological connection is there between the prospective surrogate and your baby? It’s common and natural to consider questions like these.

That’s why we’re here to help you out. If you are curious about the genetic connection in surrogacy between the surrogate and baby, then you’re in the right place. We have created this comprehensive guide to give you the information that you’ve been searching for. Now, you can get an answer to that lingering question: Can a baby look like the surrogate mother?

Does the Baby Look Like the Surrogate Mother? [Gestational vs. Traditional Surrogacy]

Because you are an intended parent, you might be wondering, “Will the baby look like the surrogate mother?” To answer that question, you will need to understand the differences between gestational and traditional surrogacy. The vast majority of surrogacies today are gestational, and traditional surrogacies are illegal in many states.

When it comes to gestational surrogacy, there is no genetic connection between the prospective surrogate and the baby. This is because there is a sperm or egg donor involved, and many surrogacy professionals consider this the safer and more ethical option. So, can babies look like their surrogate? In gestational surrogacy, they won’t. It uses in vitro fertilization (IVF), which is when a doctor takes sperm to fertilize eggs outside of the body. Once the eggs are fertilized, they become embryos. These embryos are then transferred to the prospective surrogate.

Traditional surrogacy, on the other hand, uses an intended father’s or donor’s sperm. But it does not use an intended mother’s or donor’s egg. In other words, the prospective surrogate is the biological mother of the child. This can be much trickier for everyone involved, as there will be extra steps and legal precautions to be mindful of.

Explaining the Surrogacy Screening Process [Do Babies Look Like Their Surrogate Mothers?]

If you are still wondering, “Does a surrogate baby look like the parents,” then it may be helpful to have a deeper understanding of the surrogacy screening process. Starting the surrogacy process as an intended parent can be overwhelming. So, developing a solid understanding of the screening process for prospective surrogates can bring you some peace of mind.

For instance, American Surrogacy has a thorough screening process that is designed to provide you with as much reassurance as possible. We make sure that all prospective surrogates we work with are physically and mentally ready to embark on this journey. There are many emotional highs and lows of surrogacy, and we can guarantee that all our prospective surrogates are prepared for them. On top of rigorous background screening, they must meet the following set of requirements for surrogate mothers:

  • Between 21 and 38 years old
  • A BMI of 19-32
  • Non-smoker and no use of illegal drugs or other substances
  • No exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Have had at least one successful pregnancy but no more than five C-sections
  • Currently raising a child of their own
  • No significant complications in previous pregnancies
  • Completed a pap smear within the past year
  • And more

Because of these requirements, American Surrogacy can ensure that all our prospective surrogates are ready to meet the demands of both a successful surrogacy and pregnancy. Although it’s common for intended parents like you to wonder, “Does a surrogate baby look like the parents,” this ultimately doesn’t matter.  Whether a baby looks like you or the prospective surrogate isn’t important in the grand scheme of a successful surrogacy.

What Matters in a Successful Surrogacy

So, if genetic makeup doesn’t matter in a successful surrogacy, then we should tell you what does matter. As you enter your surrogacy contract as an intended parent, it can be helpful to prepare some questions for a prospective surrogate. Finding the right match is an important step, so we’ve given you some examples of questions to get you started:

  • What are some of your hobbies and interests?
  • How would you describe your family?
  • What education do you have?
  • Why do you want to become a surrogate?
  • What is your previous experience with surrogacy?

To get free surrogacy information now, you can fill out our online contact form at any time. We would love to help you get started on your surrogacy journey today! We are here for you whenever you may need us.

In the meantime, check us out on Instagram. Stories from intended parents and surrogates alike can give you insight into the journey ahead.