Why Do People Choose Surrogacy Instead of Adoption?

Surrogates give a lot to help intended parents realize their family dreams: time, energy and, of course, their body. If you are considering becoming a surrogate, it’s normal to want to know more about intended parents before pursuing this path.

During your research process, you may learn more about all the family-building options available to parents. One of the most popular of these options is adoption; indeed, there are several different paths to take to adopt.

This may lead you to ask: Why do intended parents go through all the trouble of surrogacy when there are children out there waiting for a loving home?

Intended parents’ choice of surrogacy is a bit more complicated than that. Before you become a surrogate, you should understand exactly how intended parents decide that surrogacy is right for them. Every intended parent is different, but there are a few key reasons why surrogacy may be the best path for them.

Follow our Instagram to hear from intended parents about their decision making process that led them to surrogacy as a way to grow their family.

They Want a Genetic Child

Like many people, intended parents have often dreamed for years about a child that has their genetics — someone that shares their eyes, their nose, their face. It’s hard to let go of the dream of a “mini-me” that reflects who you are. Just because a couple struggles to conceive on their own doesn’t mean these dreams go away — or that they move past them to automatically adopt instead.

Parents who can conceive on their own aren’t judged for their desire to have a biological child, so why should intended parents be? Before you ask why people didn’t choose adoption, consider this situation: Wouldn’t you try to have a genetic child yourself if assisted reproductive technology (ART) allowed for it?

They Have Remaining Embryos

Often, intended parents who pursue surrogacy have already gone through rounds of unsuccessful IVF procedures. An intended mother may know she cannot carry a child but, if the couple has remaining embryos, the decision of what to do with them is complex. Storing embryos forever can be costly, but it can be difficult to dispose of them or donate them to another couple.

If intended parents have remaining embryos, surrogacy may be the next logical step for them. This ART method will give them the chance to use the embryos they have spent money creating and give them the last chance to have the biological child they have dreamed about.

They Want More Control Over Their Family-Building Process

In many ways, surrogacy provides a level of involvement in and control over a family’s creation that adoption does not. In surrogacy, intended parents are an equal partner in the process; they can mutually select the surrogate they wish to carry their baby, they can create a surrogacy contract of expectations for their surrogacy journey, and they can be present for important doctor’s appointments and the birth of their child.

In private domestic infant adoption, parents are chosen by a prospective birth mother, and she may choose them at any point in her pregnancy — even after she has given birth. Adoptive parents will have no guarantee that an expectant mother is receiving proper prenatal care or avoiding dangerous substances, and they usually won’t be present for the birth of their child. The wait time for adoption is difficult to predict. Hopeful parents can wait months or years to be matched, and there is always the chance of an adoption disrupting when a prospective birth mother changes her mind.

Often, hopeful parents who choose surrogacy are comfortable paying more to have a degree of control over their family-building that the process of adopting a baby cannot provide. It’s an understandable choice, especially if the parents have already spent months or years on failed fertility treatments.

Adoption is Not as Easy as It Seems

Adoption is a very different process from what some people believe it to be. If you’re wondering why intended parents don’t “just” adopt a baby, you need to first understand the complexities of the adoption process and why it’s not as easy as some people make it out to be.

Whether parents choose to adopt from foster care, adopt an infant domestically or adopt internationally, there are many regulations and requirements that have to be met. While it’s true that there are many children in foster care waiting for homes, a parent cannot just go and adopt a child — they must complete background checks and home studies, be matched with the perfect child for their situation, and then have a child be placed in their home for a certain amount of time before they can legally adopt them. Of course, hopeful parents must also consider the difficulties of raising an older child who may have experienced trauma in his or her life.

Adoption is not an easy or simple way to add a child to a family; in many ways, it is just as complex as the surrogacy process. It’s also not the right answer for every hopeful parent.

It’s normal to be curious about intended parents who you will be spending a year or more working intimately with. Remember that before you find intended parents, you will have the chance to learn more about them and the path they took to surrogacy. Parents who have chosen surrogacy are not “selfish”; they have just chosen the path that is best for them.

To learn more about intended parents who work with our surrogacy agency, please call 1-800-875-2229(BABY) or contact our surrogacy specialists online.

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