What Does a Faint Positive Pregnant Test Mean After IVF?

Receiving a faint positive test result on a pregnancy test days after the embryo transfer can be both exciting and uncertain.

Knowing what a faint positive pregnancy test can mean on specific days after the embryo transfer can help alleviate concerns and emotions that come with waiting to see if you are pregnant after the embryo transfer.

While a faint positive is a hopeful sign, it’s best to be patient and wait for more definitive results from your healthcare provider.

When Should You Test for a Pregnancy After IVF Embryo Transfer?

Most fertility clinics recommend a two-week wait before testing a pregnancy after IVF.  

Although there is a recommended two-week wait, a pregnancy can be detected as early as seven days after a day five or seven embryo transfer and nine days after a day three embryo transfer.

While you should always test for pregnancy at your clinic, we know this is an exciting time and you can test at home ahead of time to satisfy your own anticipation.

The Role of hCG Levels

The reasoning behind the two-week wait that most fertility doctors recommend comes from allowing hCG levels to even out. Your body naturally produces hCG but it’s also used to stimulate your ovaries through a trigger shot to release an egg.

Testing for a pregnancy after this shot can produce test results that are not accurate.

Waiting for the full two weeks will allow a blood test to accurately assess the natural levels of hCG released by your body as the embryo’s development continues.

The reasoning behind the two-week wait that most fertility doctors recommend comes from allowing the proper amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to be released by into your bloodstream.

hCG is a hormone produced naturally by your body after the embryo transfer takes place and implantation begins. Once levels reach a certain threshold, a pregnancy test can detect pregnancy. 

Even if you take an at-home pregnancy test, you should consider scheduling a blood test from your fertility clinic too.

Faint Positive 7 Days After Embryo Transfer

A faint positive result 7 days after an embryo transfer can be an encouraging sign, but it may also be too early to confirm a pregnancy conclusively.

A pregnancy may be detectable but the embryo may have just finished implanting, producing hCG, which might result in a very light positive line on the test.

Faint Positive 9 Days After Embryo Transfer

The ninth day is typically when hCG levels are high enough for a pregnancy test to detect a pregnancy after a day three embryo transfer. 

A faint positive pregnancy test 9 days after the embryo transfer could very well mean implantation has taken place. It can also depend on the type and quality of at-home pregnancy test you take as some tests are not sensitive enough to detect the threshold of hCG.

Faint Positive 10 Days After Embryo Transfer

If you receive a faint positive test 10 days after the embryo transfer, even if it’s not an early indicator of pregnancy, it means that hCG levels are getting to the point where they can be monitored.

Regardless of whether or not you have a faint line, a positive test result can vary depending on the type of at-home pregnancy test you take.

What a Positive Test Result Can Look Like
  • A plus or minus sign

  • One line or two lines (with two lines indicating pregnancy)

  • A pink line

  • A blue line

  • The words "pregnant" or "not pregnant"

  • The words "yes" or "no"

Faint Positive 11 Days After Embryo Transfer

Whether a faint positive test occurs on day 9, 11 or 14, it’s important to remember that false positive or negative tests can occur regardless of your wait time.

False positives are relatively rare if you’ve waited to the 11-day mark but medications and or medical conditions can elevate hCG levels which is why a second test or testing at your clinic is recommended.

Faint Positive 12 Days After Embryo Transfer

A faint positive 12 days after the embryo transfer, or any other day during the two-week wait, could be the result of waiting too long to test.

While a follow-up test would be recommended if you see a faint positive, it could also be an evaporation line. If you wait too long to view your results, the urine in the test can dry up. 

Faint Positive 13 Days After Embryo Transfer

When testing before the two-week wait comes to an end, be aware that sometimes taking an at home test isn’t as easy as “just peeing on a stick.” Instructions may be different depending on the type of test you take.

You can take a pregnancy test at any point during the day but by being hydrated with various drinks throughout the day, your pee may become more diluted as the day continues.

That’s why it’s best to take a pregnancy test at the start of the day or when you have a full bladder.

Faint Positive 14 Days After Embryo Transfer

14 days after the embryo transfer is when elevated hCG levels from your trigger shot can cause a false positive.

So although a faint positive 14 days after the embryo transfer isn’t a guarantee of a pregnancy, it’s also the recommended time frame for the hCG levels from that shot to clear from your bloodstream.

Once the embryo implants, your body produces its own hCG and its levels are high enough to detect a pregnancy at 14 days. 

Get the Support You Deserve

As an agency with decades of experience creating families, we know the wide range of emotions that can come with being a surrogate.

It’s a life-changing journey for everyone involved and if you need support to address those emotions, we’re here for you. That support can look like

  • Educational resources
  • Mediation and counseling for surrogate-intended parent relationships
  • Professional social workers available for counseling on surrogacy-process related issues

In addition to the services we offer, you may find talking with fellow surrogates that are going through or have gone through, the process themselves can help you address what you’re feeling.

Surrogate support groups are available online or in person.

This life-changing journey to give the intended parents an opportunity to experience parenthood comes with peaks and valleys and we’ll be here for every step of your journey.

Whether it’s finding a reputable fertility clinic near you where you can have a blood test or helping you address the emotions that come with pregnancy, we’re here for you.

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