Do You Go Under Anesthesia for Egg Retrieval?

If you want to know if you go under for anesthesia during egg retrieval, you may have concerns about it. Here’s what you need to know.

With the help of modern medicine, egg retrieval is short, safe and comes with only mild discomfort or pain.

Anesthesia is part of why there is only mild discomfort and pain.

If egg retrieval and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) could be the right path to parenthood for you, get in touch with us today to get connected with reputable fertility clinics near you. Your clinic can walk you through IVF from start to finish, from the medications used to their side effects.

This article breaks down what happens during egg retrieval, how anesthesia fits into the picture as and how to recover.

Do You Go Under Anesthesia for Egg Retrieval?

Yes, you do go under anesthesia for egg retrieval. Egg retrieval can be summed up in these five steps:

  • Step 1: Preparation for cycle.
  • Step 2: Stimulating ovaries.
  • Step 3: Egg retrieval procedure.
  • Step 4: Lab analysis and fertilization.
  • Step 5: Rest and recovery.

Eggs are collected from the ovaries in a short procedure, usually no longer than 30 minutes, and are considered minimally invasive.

A needle is attached to an ultrasound probe, placed into your vagina to find the follicles that hold fluid with the eggs. Once guided to the follicles via the ultrasound probe, the follicles are punctured with the needle that removes the fluid and egg.

That fluid is then sent to your fertility clinic’s lab where the eggs are placed into incubators to develop.

Can Egg Retrieval Be Done Without Anesthesia?

Yes. Going under for egg retrieval is not required. You could be hesitant if:

  • You have medical reasons for not wanting to be sedated.
  • You have concerns about the drugs used.
  • Cost is a concern.
  • You want a more holistic course of treatment.

But most women prefer sedation/anesthesia because of the pain that can come from the procedure. If you are worried about the pain, you can talk to your doctor to get more insight.

How Painful is Egg Retrieval Without Anesthesia?

The amount of pain for egg retrieval without anesthesia is dependent on your tolerance. Whether it’s one of those reasons listed above or something else, anesthesia is not required for egg retrieval.

But those who ended up utilizing it were typically satisfied after the procedure and were less likely to feel fear of anesthesia.


Types of Anesthesia for Egg Retrieval

Sedation and anesthesia take care of the pain during egg retrieval.

Sedation induces a state of calmness, relaxation or sleepiness while anesthesia is the substance that reduces your sensitivity to pain.

It really depends on your level of pain tolerance, as there are different types of sedation or anesthesia that could be right for your circumstances.

Conscious Sedation

Also known as “minimal” or “light” sedation, this type of sedation combines anesthetic to relieve pain and a mild sedative that relaxes you while still allowing you awake and able to respond. This type of sedation allows quicker recovery and return to normal activities.

Moderate Sedation

If you are concerned about the pain as a result of the procedure, moderate sedation offers greater pain relief with medications delivered via IV.

Deep Sedation

You will be asleep, remembering little to none of the procedure.

Monitored Anesthesia Care

Another name for sedation, medications are administered via IV to make you feel relaxed and sleepy.  The level of sedation depends on your procedure.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is the most common type, with medications used to render you completely unconscious with no sensation.

Regional Anesthesia

This type of anesthesia completely blocks sensation in an area of the body that is being operated on. Numbing medication is injected into the nerves responsible for that part of the body.

Local Anesthesia

Similar to regional anesthesia, local anesthesia blocks sensation in an area of the body, but with a much smaller area.

Conscious sedation allows you to recover and return to day-to-day activities quickly.

A common medication used for conscious sedation and going under for egg retrieval is Propofol.  It quickly induces sleepiness or drowsiness while relieving anxiety before and during the egg retrieval and wears off quickly.

What Does it Feel Like After Going Under for Egg Retrieval?

Egg retrieval is generally safe, but like all medical procedures, has its risks and side effects.

After egg retrieval, you may feel symptoms that can range from mild to moderate such as:

  • Discomfort
  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Abdominal Pain

In more rare cases, complications could arise such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome which has more severe symptoms like consistent and sever pain, nausea and fluid retention.

Recovering from Going Under for Egg Retrieval

Most women who go under for egg retrieval can go back to work the next day. Even if it’s not the next day, its generally within two to three days after the procedure itself. 

Some of these symptoms may be minimal, while others may be worse.

You can minimize the symptoms you may be feeling after egg retrieval by:

  • Using a heating pad
  • Taking Tylenol
  • Drinking lots of water
  • Avoid gassy foods
  • Take the time you need



Is Going Under for Egg Retrieval Safe?

Going under for egg retrieval is a tried and true process with a low risk of complications.

"In general, egg freezing patients have very few medical problems, if any. The overall anesthesia risks associated with a young, healthy woman having a short sedation procedure are about as low as they possibly could be. I try to emphasize that—it’s a very low-risk experience."

- Dr. Steven Alfond,

board-certified anesthesiologist with over 20 years of experienc

Tips for Going Under for Egg Retrieval

Beyond the instructions from your doctor, you can prepare for your egg retrieval with these tips too.

  • Inform your doctor about all the medications you are currently taking, including any prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs and supplements.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after the egg retrieval.
  • Remove all jewelry and leave it at home.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to the clinic.

Contact us online to get connected to a reputable fertility clinic near you that can break down their procedures for egg retrieval and anesthesia/sedation.