How Surrogacy Works in Arizona

Looking to grow your family? Many Arizona families have begun looking to surrogacy as an option. The surrogacy process in Arizona is an exciting journey, and we are here to help you sort through the information and grow your loving family.

To get more information about the Arizona surrogacy process, reach out to a surrogacy specialist today.

Discover more about how surrogacy works in Arizona below.

Step 1: Getting Started with American Surrogacy

We have helped create over 13,000 families through surrogacy and adoption for over 40 years. Our expertise means you can feel more confident in your journey whether you are a surrogate or intended parents. We want this to be a beautiful experience for all parties involved.

Step 2: Complete a Screening Process

The screening process for surrogacy in Arizona can ultimately decide if surrogacy is right for you. Through a series of questions and background checks, you can discover if this truly is a good fit. For surrogates, we have you go through a process of medical, psychological, background and in-home assessments to prepare you for the surrogacy process.

Step 3: Finding a Match
Finding the right match who fits your goals is such an exciting part of your surrogacy process in Arizona. A surrogacy specialist will help you develop your surrogacy plans, create a profile, and share it with others looking for surrogate opportunities. The goal of this process is to ensure that you will be able to get to know one another and discuss your surrogacy goals in more detail. After your conversations, you can move forward with the surrogacy procedure as long as both parties are ready.

Step 4: Legal Process

The legal process for surrogacy in Arizona is designed to protect both the surrogate and the intended parents. However, due to an Arizona statute, a surrogacy contract is considered illegal. This may change the way you proceed with your surrogacy on legal grounds. Some people choose to go through with a legal contract in another state. A surrogacy attorney and your surrogacy specialist can help you through this process, ultimately assisting you in finding the best route that protects all parties involved in an Arizona surrogacy process.

Step 5: Embryo Transfer & Medical Process

To prepare for the embryo transfer, the surrogate will take a regimen of fertility medications to assist in a successful transfer and implantation. The embryo is created through the IVF process using the egg and sperm of the intended parents or a donor.  Following incubation, the embryo will be transferred to the surrogate. It is likely the surrogate will be asked to stay at the clinic for a few hours after the procedure to rest.

Step 6: Pregnancy and Bringing the Baby Home

Pregnancy is a beautiful time for both the surrogate and the intended parents. This is a great time to grow your relationship and bond with each other. You can also spend this time deciding on a plan for labor, delivery, and bringing the baby home. Sometimes intended parents can be in the room to watch their baby being born, even assisting your surrogate partner in the labor and delivery.

Be sure to have these discussions on what you want the process to look like. Once the baby is born and everyone has been approved to leave the hospital, you can go home with a new lifelong bond, beginning a new journey through parenthood.

If you think you are ready to start the process of surrogacy in Arizona, you can fill out our quick online form today.

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