Do Surrogate Mothers Breastfeed?

5 FAQs on Surrogate Pregnancies and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural part of having a baby. When you bring someone else’s baby into the world, this process will look a little different than when you had your own child.

When it comes to making surrogate breastmilk arrangements, we make it easy through our postpartum support. Our support extends to postnatal matters such as breastfeeding.

If you’re an intended parent wanting to learn more about breastfeeding and surrogacy, then check out this resource.  

For surrogates who want to learn more about how surrogate pregnancies work, then contact us online now or text us at 913-204-0224.

1. Do Surrogate Mothers Breastfeed?

It’s typically uncommon for surrogates to breastfeed in the surrogacy journey. While you play a crucial role in carrying and delivering a baby for intended parents, breastfeeding is often reserved for intended parents who want to foster their connection with their child.

The primary focus is on providing a positive, supportive environment for everyone involved and these decisions surrounding breastfeeding align with our commitment to creating a healthy surrogacy experience.  

2. Can Surrogate Mothers Produce Breastmilk?

Yes, as a surrogate you will produce breastmilk. During pregnancy, your body will naturally undergo physiological changes, including the production of breastmilk. However, whether you choose to provide or pump the milk will be something you establish with the intended parents beforehand.

When creating your surrogacy contract, you’ll be able to express your preferences for your surrogate breast milk. If you choose to pump, the intended parents will send you the supplies necessary and will pay for the shipping costs.

3. Do Surrogates Provide Breast Milk?

Although it isn’t a requirement, a surrogate’s breast milk can be provided if it’s established in the surrogacy contract. This typically involves pumping the breast milk with a pump provided by the intended parents. After pumping, you’d send the breast milk to the intended parents and they’d take care of the shipping costs.

By pumping and providing surrogate breast milk, you can help contribute to the well-being of the baby while also earning extra income. As part of your surrogate compensation package, you’ll receive weekly pay when you decide to pump for intended parents.

4. What is the Typical Compensation for Surrogates Shipping Breast Milk?

When you pump and provide breast milk for intended parents, you’ll receive $200 per week. This compensation acknowledges the time, effort and energy involved in pumping surrogate breast milk. The terms will be established before the medical process begins when creating your surrogate contract.

Along with the weekly pay, the intended parents will also provide all the necessary supplies and will cover any shipping costs.

To learn more about surrogate pay, check out this resource.

5. What Do Surrogates Do With Breast Milk?

You have a few options regarding what to do with your surrogate breast milk. You can donate your breast milk to help others in need that may benefit from this valuable resource. If agreed on in your surrogate contract, you can also send the breast milk to the intended parents.

If the intended parents don’t want to use your breast milk, you can also choose to stop lactation by drying up your milk supply. The best way to do this is by speaking with your OB/GYN who can give you professional advice on accomplishing this.

To learn more about your surrogate breast milk during a surrogate pregnancy, contact us online now or text us at 913-204-0224.

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