Choosing an Egg Donor by Physical Characteristics

Picking an egg donor with certain physical traits can help shape what your future child looks like.

Choosing an egg donor is like selecting the genetic building blocks for your future child.

You’re probably thinking about what your future family will look like, especially if you’re hoping your baby resembles you or your partner.

By selecting a donor who shares traits like hair color, eye color and height, parents may find comfort in knowing their baby could resemble them or align with their vision of their family.

Get more information about IVF with donor eggs.

Below, we’ll explore some of the key physical characteristics you might want to consider when picking an egg donor. But remember: There are many other things you’ll want to think about when making this decision. Physical traits are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to choosing the right donor.

How to Choose an Egg Donor: Egg Donor Profiles

Egg donor profiles offer detailed information about each donor, giving you a comprehensive look at their background, health and personal characteristics. These profiles may include photos and essential details like the donor’s age, height, weight and hair and eye color.

When searching for a donor based on physical characteristics, these profiles are incredibly helpful. You can use the information provided to find a donor whose traits align with your preferences. This can help you make an informed decision on the donor that feels right for your family.

How to Find an Egg Donor That Looks Like You [4 Physical Characteristics to Consider]

When you’re looking at beautiful egg donors, you may find yourself drawn to certain traits that hold personal significance. For some people, these traits are tied to cultural identity or family history. Maybe you’re looking for someone with the same hair or eye color as you, or perhaps you want your child to feel connected to your heritage. Whatever the case, the physical characteristics you prioritize in a donor can shape the way you build your family.

Eye Color

Are you hoping to pass down a specific eye color that runs in your family? Maybe your parents and grandparents all have blue eyes, or perhaps you want to match your partner’s brown eyes. Eyes are one of the first things people notice when looking at a face. For some couples, it’s important that their baby shares this feature.

In addition to photos, some egg donor profiles may list the eye color.

Eye Color Options
  • Amber-eyed egg donors

  • Blue-eyed egg donors

  • Brown-eyed egg donors

  • Gray-eyed egg donors

  • Green-eyed egg donors

  • Hazel-eyed egg donors

Hair Color and Type

If you want to look at your child and think, “My donor egg baby looks like me.” then you may want to prioritize hair color and type. For instance, red hair is a recessive trait, so if you want your baby to have red hair, both the egg and sperm must carry that gene. Sharing hair colors can help you feel connected to your donor egg baby.

Hair Color Options
  • Redhead egg donors

  • Black-haired egg donors

  • Blonde egg donors

  • Brunette egg donors

By looking at the egg donor photos on their profile, you can also determine if an egg donor has a similar hair type to you, such as curly, straight, coarse or fine.


Height may be a consideration if you want your child to resemble you or your partner. But it’s not just about looks — it could also be about the future you envision for your child. Maybe you imagine them excelling in a sport where height matters, such as basketball or track. Finding a donor who aligns with your expectations is one way to help shape your child’s future.

Height Options
  • Tall egg donors

  • Average egg donors

  • Short egg donors


Race is a deeply personal factor for many intended parents. You might want your child to resemble your family and community, making it easier for them to feel a sense of belonging. Race and ethnicity can also play a big role in your child’s cultural identity, so selecting a donor of the same race might be important to you for that reason.

Race Options
  • Asian egg donors

  • Biracial/multiracial egg donors

  • Black egg donors

  • Hispanic/Latina egg donors

  • Middle Eastern/North African egg donors

  • Native American/Alaskan Native egg donors

  • Pacific Islander egg donors

  • White egg donors

Evaluating Egg Donor Profiles

The profiles you browse will contain egg donor photos that can help you find the physical traits you’re looking for. Egg donor pictures, especially childhood photos, might be the best way to imagine what your future baby might look like. You’ll be able to compare the donor’s features and decide what feels right for your family.

However, there’s no accounting for how genetics will come through. You could choose an egg donor only for the baby to look more like the father or sperm donor. It’s important not to base your decision on a certain trait because the donor’s genetics may present in a different way.

In addition to physical traits, you’ll want to think about a donor’s health history, educational background, lifestyle and more. Do they align with your values and goals? Considering what matters most to your family can help you find the right match.

Other Considerations

  • Health history: What conditions might be inherited?
  • Educational background: Does this matter to you?
  • Lifestyle: Does the donor lead a healthy life?
  • Known vs. anonymous donors: Will you want future contact?

Connecting Through Traits — And Beyond

Prioritizing certain physical characteristics may help you feel more connected to your donor-conceived child. You might even create a special bond over shared traits. Whether it’s eye color, hair color, height or race, the desire to feel like your child is part of you in some way is completely natural.

That being said, it’s important to remember that your child’s personality, interests and bond with you won’t be determined by physical traits. Even if your donor doesn’t look exactly like you or your partner, the connection you’ll build with your child will go far beyond appearances. At the end of the day, your bond with your future child will be shaped by shared experiences — not genetics.

If you need to create embryos after choosing an egg donor, fill out our online form. We can recommend reputable fertility clinics near you to help fulfill your dream of starting a family.