Egg Donor Genetic Testing [A Guide for Gay Parents] - American Surrogacy

Egg Donor Genetic Testing [A Guide for Gay Parents]

Genetic testing for egg donors plays a key role in making sure that your donor’s eggs are suitable for creating embryos, giving you the best chance of success as you build your family through surrogacy.

When you choose an egg donor who has passed genetic testing, you can confidently move forward. Every step has been taken to create the best possible outcome for your family and give your future child a healthy start.

Once you have eggs, you can call 1-800-875-BABY for help finding a reputable fertility clinic to create your embryos or you can fill out our form to learn more about the surrogacy process and get started.

Below, you’ll learn about the egg donor screening process, genetic testing for egg donors and why these tests are important for your peace of mind.

What Is Genetic Testing for Egg Donors?

Egg donor genetic testing or egg donor screening is designed to identify health risks that could impact the success of your surrogacy journey. Typically, the screening process involves genetic, medical and psychological tests.

Here’s what tests egg donors have to have:

  • Genetic tests

    Fertility specialists use genetic testing to ensure that the donor’s eggs are healthy and viable. These tests delve deep into a donor’s genetic makeup, identifying chromosomal abnormalities and genetic mutations for recessive diseases.

  • Medical tests

    Donors must undergo a physical exam, gynecological exam and breast ultrasound to protect their health and the health of potential children. They must also complete a blood and urine test to rule out infectious diseases.

  • Psychological tests

    This evaluation is used to ensure the egg donor is mentally and emotionally prepared to donate eggs. Typically, a licensed psychologist conducts this part of the egg donor screening process.

In this article, we primarily focus on genetic testing for egg donors.

What Do They Test For? [Genetic Testing for Egg Donors]

Genetic testing for egg donors is a comprehensive process. Fertility specialists use a variety of tests recommended by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) to look for potential issues or hereditary conditions that could potentially be passed down to the child.

Here’s a look at the common tests that egg donors go through:

  • Karyotyping

    This test examines the donor’s chromosomes to ensure there are no abnormalities that could affect embryo development or pregnancy success. 

  • Carrier screening

    ASRM guidelines for egg donor screening recommend identifying whether the donor carries any recessive genes for hereditary diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia and spinal muscular atrophy.

Are there Egg Donor Requirements?

Egg donors must meet certain requirements to ensure they’re prepared for the donation process.

Exact egg donor requirements vary between clinics. But typically, an egg donor must:

  • Be between the ages of 21 and 34

  • Be physically healthy

  • Be a non-smoker

  • Have no history of drug or alcohol abuse

  • Have a family history free of hereditary diseases

These standards help ensure that the donor’s eggs are as healthy as possible for creating embryos for gay couples.

The Importance of Egg Donor Genetic Testing

Genetic testing for egg donors is crucial because it provides insight into potential health issues that could be passed down to your child. By identifying any genetic abnormalities before the donation process, you can reduce the risks of complications during pregnancy or after birth.

This testing also plays a key role in the in vitro fertilization process itself, as healthy embryos are more likely to lead to a successful pregnancy. The last thing you want is to go through the emotional and financial investment of surrogacy only to face medical complications due to undetected genetic issues.

Ultimately, egg donor genetic testing helps you build the healthiest family possible. It’s a proactive step that can lead to fewer surprises down the road and gives you the information you need to make informed decisions about your donor.

Do Couples Get Copies of Egg Donor Genetic Tests?

Yes, couples typically receive a summary of the egg donor’s genetic test results. This report covers the donor’s carrier status for various genetic conditions. Having access to these results allows you and your partner to make informed choices about which donor is the best fit for your family.


Genetic testing and egg donor screening let you to make informed decisions regarding your future family. This can help you feel more confident as you move forward with surrogacy as a gay couple. If you need help finding a fertility clinic or are ready to begin the surrogacy process, fill out our online contact form or call 1-800-875-BABY.

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