How Embryo Donation Works

Embryo donation is another way you can start or grow your family if there are fertility issues preventing you from carrying a baby to term. Here’s how it works.

Whether you are dealing with fertility issues or don’t want to pass on genetic disorders choosing embryo donation is a viable path to parenthood.

Learning about how embryo donation works can give you an idea of if it’s right for your situation. Contact us online to learn more about how you can make your lifelong dream of experiencing what it’s like to be a parent come true. If you’re pursuing IVF and don’t have many embryos left, learn more about how to cope.                         

This article will dive into all things embryo donation, from what embryo donation is and why it might be right for your situation, to its requirements and how much it costs.

What Is Embryo Donation?

Embryo donation occurs when individuals or couples choose to donate their remaining embryos from previous IVF cycles after their family is complete.

When embryos are created through IVF, the number of embryos placed in the uterus is determined by age and the number of eggs collected.

Implantation rates for fertilized eggs decrease with age which means more embryos are created to increase the chances of successful implantation when the transfer takes place.

These excess embryos can be preserved, destroyed or donated.

When to Consider Embryo Donation

Embryo donation is another family building tool that has evolved over time.

This selfless decision opens up the door for intended parents that are:  

  • Couples with female or male infertility

  • Single parents

  • Part of the LGBTQ+ community

  • Not wanting to pass on medical conditions

Even if you aren’t one of the four types of intended parents listed above, human embryo donation could also be right for your journey if you are looking for a less costly or medically complex way to grow your family.

Are Donor Embryos Already Fertilized?

Yes, donor embryos are already fertilized. Embryo donation requires the creation of said embryo, with the egg and sperm having been combined in a lab. Embryo’s that are donated come from those who have extra embryos or just want to help others conceive.

How Much Does Embryo Donation Cost?

There isn’t a set amount for the cost because it will depend on the specifics of your situation but according to RESOLVE, a national infertility organization; it can average between $2,500 and $4,000.

Although there is no fee that is paid to the donating family, the cost of embryo donation is determined by other factors like:

  • The cost of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) screening

  • Medications

  • The embryo transfer

  • Matching

  • Shipping the embryos

FDA and ASRM Guidelines for Embryo Donation

The mission of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is to advance the science and practice of reproductive medicine.

When it comes to embryo donations, the FDA and ASRM have outlined parameters for parents that want to donate their remaining embryos.  

The following guidelines have been published by the U.S. government and set the minimum standard for screening, testing and counseling.

Human Embryo Donation Requirements from the FDA

  • Attempt, if feasible, to perform infectious disease testing on both the oocyte and sperm source
  • Ineligible embryos may be used if tissue is appropriately labeled and recipients are consenting

ASRM Recommendations

  • Psychological counseling for the donor and recipients
  • Medical history
  • Genetic history
  • Infectious disease testing for the recipient of the donated embryos and the recipient’s sexually intimate partners
  • Legal consultation

For more clarity on any of these requirements, or if you just want to learn more about embryo donation as a potential path to parenthood for you, fill out our online contact form today. 

Is Frozen Embryo Donation Right for Me?

Only you can know if embryo donation is right for you.

If it’s something you’re learning more about or trying to determine whether it’s right for your situation, think about the following factors:

Genetic Connection

If having a biological connection with your child is to important you, embryo donation removes that possibility. 

Time Frame

Adoption is another family-building option but can take at minimum, two years. Donated embryos can be acquired much faster, with the embryo transfer often taking place within six months of deciding on embryo donation as your option. 


Embryo donations are more cost-friendly than other options such as surrogacy or adoption.

If surrogacy could be right for your circumstances, get in touch with us today. Once you receive the donated embryos, we can help you find the perfect match to help your dreams of parenthood come true.