Surrogacy Graphics for Intended Parents

Surrogate Outreach (Marketing):

Outreach Graphic 1 

Outreach Graphic 2 


Balanced Ratios:

American Surrogacy maintains a balanced family-to-surrogate ratio. 

But what happens when ratios aren't balanced?


Ratio Graphic 1 


Ratio Graphic 2 


Ratio Graphic 3 



Screening & Matching:

Screening Graphic 1 

Screening Graphic 2 


Screening Graphic 3 

High Risks of Matching Too Early
  • Repeat Screenings

    It’s likely you will need to screen multiple surrogates, with costs ranging from $2,000 to $10,000 per surrogate.

  • Lengthy Screening Process

    The process can take 30-150 days, forcing you to wait while your surrogate completes screening steps, further delaying your journey.

  • Uncertain Rematching

    If screening fails, you may face rematch fees of $5,000-$20,000 and wait months to find a new opportunity with low traffic agencies.

  • Non-Refundable Agency Fees

    Many agencies charge fees at match, which can be as high as $40,000, that aren’t refundable regardless of outcome.

  • The Cycle Repeats

    Each failed match means starting over, losing valuable time and money.


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