The Surrogate Embryo Transfer Process - American Surrogacy

How Surrogacy Embryo Transfers Work

One of the most integral parts of the surrogacy process is the surrogate embryo transfer. This is how you will become pregnant with the intended parents’ child, bringing them one step closer to having the family of their dreams.

We can provide you with information about how the surrogate embryo transfer process works and how you can begin your surrogacy journey today. Have questions? Contact us to speak to a surrogacy specialist.

What is the Surrogate Embryo Transfer?

The surrogate embryo transfer is how you become pregnant as a surrogate! Using IVF, the intended parents will create an embryo with their sperm and eggs or a donor's. Once the fertility clinic has determined you are at a fertile point in your cycle, the embryo will be transferred to your uterus. 

The Surrogate Embryo Transfer Process [3 Steps]

The intended parents will likely have a fertility clinic they have already been working with to create their embryos. Embryos will be created through IVF using the intended parents’ egg and sperm or a donor’s. Once an embryo has been successfully created, it will be incubated for at least five days following IVF to mimic the implantation process and transferred to your uterus five days after your mid-cycle.

Here’s what you can expect from the surrogate embryo transfer:

Step 1: Surrogate Medical Screening

Through our surrogate medical screening, you will go through a process that determines if you are ready for surrogacy. The medical screening will happen after you complete the surrogacy contract with the intended parents and your legal team. This will look at your cycle and when the best time to begin fertility medications is.

Step 2: Begin Fertility Medications

To prepare your body for a surrogate pregnancy, you will begin fertility medications. You will take a selection of medications as prescribed by the fertility clinic to help your cycle and uterus prepare for a pregnancy. The medications include:

  • Birth control

  • Estrogen

  • Lupron

  • Progesterone

Step 3: The Surrogate Embryo Transfer Procedure

This medical process is relatively painless and minimally invasive. You will go to the fertility clinic where they will transfer the embryo to your uterus using a catheter. You will then need to stay at the clinic to rest for a few hours before going home to continue resting and taking it easy.

After the surrogate embryo transfer, you will return to the fertility clinic where they will check your HCG levels to confirm a pregnancy. Following a positive pregnancy test, you continue with prenatal care and regular OB visits until your due date!

Success Rates of Surrogate Embryo Transfers

The surrogate embryo transfer is one of the most exciting parts of the surrogacy process for a surrogate! This is the step that will make it possible for you to help the intended parents achieve their dreams of parenthood. Just know that if the embryo transfer doesn’t take the first time, you can try as many times as you and the intended parents agreed upon in your surrogacy contract.

First Embryo Transfer

Generally, the chances of a first embryo transfer success are around 60 percent.  Other factors including whether the parents choose to use a donor egg and/or sperm can also increase those odds.

Second-time Embryo Transfer

The second-time embryo transfer success rate is around 80 percent amongst surrogates. Just as with traditional pregnancy, sometimes all it takes is a little persistence!

Become a Surrogate Today

Becoming a surrogate can be beneficial on many levels. From earning a competitive surrogate income to helping a family achieve their dreams, you are changing the world for everyone involved. We want to help guide you through this journey and answer any questions you may have. Get started on your surrogacy journey and contact us today.

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