What to Do After Embryo Transfer to Increase Success - American Surrogacy

What to Do After Embryo Transfer to Increase Success

As a surrogate, you’ve committed yourself to helping the intended parents become have the family they’ve already dreamed of. By following specific guidelines and taking recommended actions, you can significantly improve the chances of a successful pregnancy.    

We’ve worked with many surrogates who have helped hopeful individuals and couples become parents, and we can do the same for you.

If you’re wondering what to do or what not to do after the embryo transfer, then contact us online to get more free information now. We’re here to help you whenever you need us.

What to Do After Embryo Transfer to Increase Success After undergoing this step of the surrogacy process, you may be curious about what to do after the embryo transfer to increase success. Fortunately, there are several steps that you can take to make pregnancy that much more likely.

We’ve compiled this list of tips to help you have as smooth and straightforward of a surrogacy journey as possible.

1. Relax and Practice Self-Care

Pregnancy isn’t easy, so you’ll want to be kind to your body as it undergoes some pretty big changes. After the embryo transfer, take some time to relax and care for yourself. Whether that’s watching one of your favorite movies or reading a new book you’re curious about, now is a great time to do it.

2. Take Your Medications

One of the most important parts of what to do after the embryo transfer to increase success is taking your meds. You’ll need to be diligent about this. Your doctor may recommend you continue to take medications such as progesterone or baby aspirin. Listen to your doctor right now, and take any meds that they prescribe you.

3. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Part of pregnancy is maintaining a balanced diet and getting all the nutrients your body (and the baby growing inside you) needs. While no specific foods aid IVF implantation, women trying to conceive should follow a pregnancy-suitable diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber, complex carbohydrates and protein, while avoiding high-risk foods like unpasteurized cheeses and fish high in heavy metals.

For pregnant people, it is highly recommended to consume plenty of calcium, B vitamins, protein and iron.  Consulting a doctor or advisor for dietary advice or supplements is recommended. Staying hydrated by drinking about two liters of water daily is also important during the IVF process and early pregnancy stages.

4. Take Folic Acid

There are many benefits of taking folic acid while pregnant. For instance, maternal supplementation with folic acid is associated with a lower risk of congenital heart defects in babies. Also, you need 400 mcg of this B vitamin to prevent neural tube defects. It could also reduce the odds that the baby will experience a cleft lip or palate. Still, check with your doctor before taking folic acid just to be safe.

5. Pay Attention to Any Unusual Symptoms

When you’re taking any fertility drugs, it’s possible to develop something known as ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS). This is a bodily response to hormone injections that you took when going through IVF. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain or bloating. If you’re noticing these symptoms, then contact your doctor as soon as you’re able.

These are just a handful of examples of what to do after the embryo transfer to increase success. Still, pregnancy is a journey that looks different for everyone. There may be some other things you can do or avoid that increase the odds of a successful embryo transfer for you personally.

What Not to Do After Embryo Transfer

1. Strenuous Exercise

You’ll want to avoid strenuous activity, such as physical exercise. Be sure to get all the rest that you need to carry a healthy pregnancy to term. You can still maintain your daily life, but don’t go lifting heavy objects or running on a treadmill anytime soon. Still, if you do want to be physically active, you can engage in low-impact activities like walking, but you should always check with your physician.

2. Consume Alcohol and Excessive Caffeine

When you’re pregnant, you should avoid consuming any amount of alcohol or excessive amounts of caffeine. These substances increase the risk of a miscarriage or premature birth. Caffeine could also cause the uterus and placenta’s blood vessels to constrict, thus reducing the baby’s blood supply and preventing proper growth.

3. Take a Pregnancy Sooner Than Two Weeks after the Transfer

Taking a pregnancy test before the recommended two-week wait could result in an inaccurate test. It will take up to two weeks from the day of your embryo transfer for the placenta to begin producing detectable levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), commonly known as the “pregnancy hormone.”

4. Engage in Sex

Practice abstinence after the embryo transfer, as sexual intercourse could cause uterine contractions. These may disrupt the embryo from growing or even prevent it from implanting in your uterus. The worst outcome is a potential miscarriage. So, it’s best to wait, as studies have shown.

If you have any more questions about a successful embryo transfer, then we are more than happy to answer them for you. To get free surrogacy information now, fill out our online contact form at any time.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider or fertility specialist for personalized medical advice. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

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