Can I Be a Surrogate if I’m Not Married? - American Surrogacy

Can I Be a Surrogate if I’m Not Married?

Becoming a surrogate is a life-changing decision that involves meeting a specific set of requirements. One common question potential surrogates have is “Can I be a surrogate if I’m not married?”

There’s a lot that goes into determining surrogate eligibility and our goal is to make the process as forward and streamlined as possible. If you’re wondering whether relationship status affects your eligibility to be a surrogate, then here’s what you need to know.

To speak with a specialist about your surrogate eligibility, contact us online now or text us at 913-204-0224.

What Are the Requirements to be a Surrogate?

If you’re considering becoming a surrogate, you’ll be asked to meet a handful of requirements besides relationship status, including:

  • Age range 21-40

  • At least one prior successful pregnancy

  • You are currently raising a child

Learn more about our surrogate qualifications.

Can I Be a Surrogate If I’m in a Relationship but Not Married?

If you’re in a committed relationship but not legally married, you can still become a surrogate. Your partner’s involvement and support are beneficial during this journey. If they’re not biologically related to your children, you’ll need to address whether they’re comfortable taking on additional childcare responsibilities while you navigate the surrogate process.

Ensure they understand the commitment involved and are willing to provide you with the necessary support. Becoming a surrogate can be emotionally and physically taxing. Having a partner there to support you when you’re a surrogate mother but not married can make the process more smooth and stress-free.

Can I Be a Surrogate if I’m Single?

The surrogate experience can be different when you’re a single surrogate mother but not married. Having a strong support system is important when you become a surrogate. Although it is possible to pursue surrogacy when you’re single, you’ll also need to consider whether your job offers paid flexible leave.

If they don’t offer paid leave, know that you’ll receive surrogate pay to compensate for any lost wages you may have throughout the process. Our surrogate compensation packages start at $65,000+ and can help you take time off without stressing about finances.

To find out how much surrogate pay you’re eligible for, use our surrogate compensation calculator or text us at 913-204-0224 to speak with a specialist.

Can I Be a Surrogate if I’m Separated, but Not Divorced?

If you’re separated but not legally divorced, then you could be eligible to become a surrogate. However, you need to consider your ongoing relationship dynamics and how they might affect the surrogacy experience. Make sure to think about your childcare arrangements, travel flexibility and support system before you consider becoming a surrogate.

Being a surrogate is a mentally and physically involved role. Although we will always be there to support you during your journey, having a strong support system can help ensure a smooth, stress-free experience.

Can I Be a Surrogate if I’m Divorced?

If you want to be a surrogate mother but not married, then you can pursue surrogacy if you’re divorced. Before you embark on this path, make sure to plan for managing childcare responsibilities alongside the surrogacy process. You’ll also need to determine whether you have the support necessary to be a surrogate.

You’ll need supportive friends and family to talk to during your surrogacy journey as the process is often filled with ups and downs. We can help connect you with support groups to help you navigate some of the emotions that come with the process, but having a support system you can count on will make all the difference.  

How to Become a Surrogate if You Are Separated

Becoming a surrogate lets you become a hero in someone else’s story. You’re giving the gift of parenthood to a deserving couple while also earning meaningful income for your family.

If you want to be a surrogate mother but are not married, then reach out to us now or text us at 913-204-0224 to find out if you qualify to be a surrogate. 

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