Why International Intended Parents Should Consider Surrogacy in the U.S.

Just as there are many hopeful parents in the U.S. looking to bring their child into the world through the surrogacy process, there are also many intended parents in other countries looking to complete a surrogacy today. However, because surrogacy laws and risks can be more complicated in other countries besides the U.S., many of these intended parents look to international surrogacy to complete their families.

If you’re an international intended parent looking for a surrogacy-friendly country in which to complete your parenthood journey, there is no better option than the United States. Not only are the state laws accommodating of the surrogacy process, but there is a standardized, well-regulated process that has been crafted by experienced surrogacy lawyers and other professionals. With an international surrogacy in the United States, you can be confident that your baby will be born through a safe, legal and efficient method that is positive for all involved.

There are many reasons why international intended parents should consider the United States for surrogacy. We’ll lay out a couple of them below:

A Safe, Legal Process

For many intended parents, the reason that they pursue surrogacy outside of their native country is because of laws that either restrict or completely ban the process at home. Many countries do not allow compensated surrogacy or have no regulations surrounding the process at all, which can make it an extremely risky path to pursue.

However, in the United States, surrogacy is a much more accepted method of building a family. While it’s important to note that surrogacy laws do vary by state, your surrogacy professional will help match you with a surrogate from a state where surrogacy is well-regulated and commonly practiced.

Every surrogacy in the United States follows a strict legal process that has been perfected by surrogacy professionals and lawyers over the last few years. It’s a process that makes sure everyone’s interests — both the intended parents’ and the prospective surrogate’s — are protected before even beginning. This includes signing a legal contract, which lays out expectations and responsibilities for the entire surrogacy to come. This way, you will know exactly what your process entails and how it will work before you invest all of your time and money into the process.

And surrogacy in the United States offers another benefit; because gay marriage is recognized in the U.S., international LGBT parents can complete a surrogacy in the U.S. and both be named legal parents of the child before they even return home. Unlike in many other countries, there are no restrictions on LGBT surrogacy in the U.S. that make the process impossible, and your surrogacy professional and fertility clinic will work with you to obtain any necessary sperm or egg donations you need.

With an experienced surrogacy lawyer advocating for you every step of the way, you can be sure that your parental rights to your child will be established swiftly and effectively, whether you’re an LGBT or heterosexual intended parent. Your name will be placed on your baby’s United States birth certificate and, as long as you complete a gestational surrogacy, there will be no grounds for custody battles with your prospective surrogate.

Fully Screened and Prepared Surrogates

Part of the issue with surrogacy in countries outside of the United States is the ethical controversy involved with “womb renting.” In many countries, surrogates are not allowed to be paid a base compensation for carrying someone else’s child or, if they are, there are no substantial ways to make sure that she is performing the task of her own free will. Poor women, critics argue, may be forced into surrogacy as a way to provide for their family, even if they don’t have a genuine desire to be a surrogate.

In the United States, the situation is completely the opposite; there are many women fully educated about the surrogacy process who have an intrinsic, altruistic desire to help create another family. American surrogacy agencies set standards that prevent women who live on government assistance from being a surrogate and extensively screen these women both medically and emotionally to make sure they’re fully prepared for the challenges of surrogacy.

When you work with an American surrogate, therefore, you can be confident that the woman does not have any health issues that could endanger your unborn child or any mental or emotional issues that could cause complications with the surrogacy process. These women will also be more than happy to establish a genuine relationship with you, despite your distance; they’ll communicate via email, phone and other methods to keep you updated on the baby’s progress and important milestones along the way.

Surrogacy Professionals Who Advocate For You Every Step of the Way

Surrogacy professionals in the United States understand how important the surrogacy process is to intended parents and, in response, they’ve had years to craft international surrogacy programs that meet international intended parents’ expectations and provide the support they need in this complicated process.

In addition to presenting surrogates who are properly screened to international intended parents, surrogacy agencies in the United States provide case management services throughout the process of surrogacy, no matter where intended parents are located. This means that surrogacy specialists will always be available to answer your questions and concerns (if you don’t speak English, a translator will be provided to you). These professionals will also ensure you have the proper legal documents to travel home and will be available to you for questions even after your surrogacy process is complete.

The experience and legal, medical and practical knowledge that American surrogacy agencies have is hard to find in other countries outside of the United States. For intended parents, that can be an immense draw to completing an international surrogacy in the U.S.

Complete an International Surrogacy with American Surrogacy Today

American Surrogacy is proud to help international intended parents like yourself bring home the little bundle of joy you’ve always dreamed about. Our international surrogacy program offers all of the benefits listed above and more. In our professional opinion, surrogacy in the U.S. is the answer than many international intended parents have been looking for.

To learn more about our surrogacy program and how we can help you build your family, please call us at 1-800-875-2229(BABY) or contact one of our surrogacy specialists today.

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