Will a Donated Embryo Feel Like My Child?

Bonding with a child comes from more than just the genes you share. Here’s why a donated embryo will feel like your child.

If you are considering embryo donation, you may be wondering if a donated embryo will feel like your child.

But your actions will determine the bond you have with your child, whether they are from a donated embryo or not.

If you need help processing what you are feeling while dealing with infertility, we’re here for you. Fill out our contact form today to get the support you deserve addressing these complex emotions or read more about coping with the emotions of failed IVF.

This article takes a deeper look into your life as a parent and the bond you can have with your child whether they are from a donated embryo or not.

Will a Donated Embryo Feel Like My Child?

A donated embryo removes the possibility of you being genetically related to your child.

But just because there is no genetic connection does not mean the bond between you and your child is any less than that of a parent with a child they do share genetic connection with.

That’s because the bond between you and your child starts with a foundation built on love. Your love for your child isn’t bound by shared DNA, its built upon that foundation of love and layered with empathy, pride and joy.

Parenthood Goes Beyond Genetics [Nature vs. Nurture]

Just because you don’t share the same DNA doesn’t mean you can’t build a strong bond with your child.

Think of the age old debate between nature and nurture where nature would be defined as the genes and hereditary factors that make up your child’s appearance in this situation and nurture would look more at the environmental variables like your personality and their impact on a child.

What you put into making and maintaining a bond with your child is just as important as the inherited traits.

Although you may not share a genetic connection with your child, embryo donation allows you to find a match that fits what you’re looking for.

You can find embryo donor profiles that share similar traits like appearance and values like having a healthy lifestyle, allowing you to have a foundation of characteristics you can begin to bond over with your child.

How to Strengthen the Bond with My Child

  • Use words and actions to show your love

  • Find ways to play together

  • Turn off phones and technology

  • Eat meals as a family

  • Involve them in decision-making

  • Let them help you

  • And more

Those are just a few examples of how you can strengthen your bond with your child and it can go back even further, as early as birth.

Skin-to-skin contact, otherwise known as kangaroo care is the practice of holding your child against the bare skin of your chest, allowing for a bond to begin after birth.

A Donated Embryo Is Your Child

You may get hung up on the feeling that using donated embryos may make it difficult to feel like it’s your child.

But no matter how long you have been waiting to experience what it’s like to be a parent that first moment when you see or hold your child will set in motion a feeling of love that will only grow as the years go on.

Most parents feel just as bonded with their child from embryo donation as they would from a genetically related child. Love has no limits and the love a parent has for their child comes down to a feeling, not genetics.

To learn more about how surrogacy with donor embryos can give you the opportunity to grow your family, reach out to us today. If you already have your donated embryos, we can help you find a surrogate in as short as 1-6 months.