Embryo Donation vs. Embryo Adoption

Knowing the difference between embryo donation and embryo donation is how you can decide what’s right for your situation. Here’s what you need to know.

Understanding the nuances between embryo adoption vs. embryo donation is crucial for intended parents considering these pathways to parenthood.

While both terms refer to the same family-building option – using donated embryos created by another couple for IVF – the processes involved differ slightly.

While both are tools that can help grow your family, knowing the difference can help you know what applies to your situation and what requirements you need to meet.

Contact us online if you want to learn more about your options if you are unable to use your own embryos or learn more about embryo donation.

This article will compare and contrast embryo donation vs. adoption.

What Is the Difference Between Embryo Donation and Embryo Adoption?

The two terms are similar, with both referring to the same process where individuals or couples using in-vitro fertilization (IVF) get embryos from other individuals or couples who have concluded their IVF journey and have leftover embryos from their IVF cycles.

The difference between embryo donation and embryo adoption is how they are viewed and obtained.

Embryo Donation

Embryo donation is the process in which surplus embryos created during an IVF cycle are given to another individual or couple for the purpose of achieving pregnancy. This typically occurs when the original creators of the embryos have completed their family-building journey and wish to help others who want to grow their family.

Embryo Adoption

While embryo donation and embryo adoption refer to the same process, embryo donation is the procedurally correct name. Unlike embryo donation, which is generally viewed as a transfer of surplus embryos, embryo adoption often involves a more complex process similar to traditional adoption, including home studies and legal agreements.

The term "embryo adoption" is often considered a misnomer. Unlike traditional adoption, which involves the legal transfer of parental rights and responsibilities for a living child, embryos are not legally recognized as children in many jurisdictions. The process of adopting embryos typically resembles a property transfer rather than a parental adoption.

Some embryo adoption agencies may require intended parents to complete home studies or different legal documents that are not legally required by the Food and Drug Administration, who regulates embryo donation.

With embryo donation vs embryo adoption, embryo donation is regulated by the Food and Drug Enforcement Administration. The FDA oversees the safety and regulation of reproductive tissues, including embryos, to ensure that donated embryos meet safety standards.

FDA requirements stipulate that:

  • There must be an attempt, if feasible, to perform infectious-disease testing on both the oocyte and sperm source (including CMV and HTLV-I and -II IgM and IgG on sperm source).
  • Ineligible embryos may be used if tissue is appropriately labeled and recipients are consented

Embryo donation views the embryos as gifts as they are considered organs that cannot be sold, just donated.

Embryos that are being donated can result in reimbursement of expenses after embryos are created, so costs like frozen embryo storage and FDA testing are reimbursable. Expenses for creating the embryos, like IVF and medicines for the IVF cycles, are not.

Embryo Donation vs. Embryo Adoption FAQ

What Is the Difference Between Embryo Adoption and Donor Embryos?

The main difference between embryo adoption and using donor embryos has to do with how each of them are governed. One, embryo adoption, views the embryo as children. While the donor embryos are viewed as property, not children, and governed by property law.

What Is the Meaning of Embryo Donation?

Embryo donation is a form of assisted reproductive technology that sees those who have a completed family donate their remaining embryos to another couple or individual trying to grow their family and are experiencing issues preventing them from conceiving on their own.

What Is the Difference Between Embryo and Infant Adoption?

The biggest difference between embryo and infant adoption has to do with pregnancy. Intended parents that choose embryo adoption carry and deliver their adopted baby. Intended parents that choose infant adoption sees the birth mother carry and deliver the baby before obtaining parental rights.